Jessie Ware - Pearls (1 Viewer)

Maybe the expectations are too high for her these days. She is, after all, Queen Jessus. If she’s not giving us 17/10 every time, the gays are worrying that something is wrong.

It is, by Jessie Ware standards, a middle of the road 9/10 :) let’s see what the album brings up!
Love this frothy, campy disco number. There'll be deeper digs elsewhere on the album

The whispered intro... and the 'wanna go to the moon' reaction backing vocals especially are a joy.

LET HER! DANCE! :disco:
I wonder what position she’ll get on NMF this week. Anything less than Top Ten and we riot.

I do think she’s overly gayed herself out of a Radio 1 playlist though. Radio 2 should be all over her.
bizarre and borderline bad video

what is going on here? what happened to the budget? :D
she did Free Yourself, Pearls and a cover of Believe (!) on Piano Room.

listen here

Believe is utterly unbelievable. her vocal in places is among the best she's ever sounded. and the strings! :disco:
That version of Pearls with the more natural arrangement is such an upgrade. I think Pearls could have been a better single if someone else had produced it. I’m still not sure he’s a suitable collaborator and I’m so glad he’s not on most of the new album. I do like it but Pearls is a misstep for me as an album launcher.
Just having a Piano Room catch up. What! A Threesome!

Pearls sounded so good live (also loved the accessorised orchestra). The tease of a ballad Believe before giving it the full welly complete with vocal effects :disco:

Her cute piano player was very into Free Yourself.

This makes a lot of sense and it's a good get for her - but Pearls did cool off quite quickly for me, truth be told.
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Yeah I really like Pearls but it cooled quicker for me than any other single since the 3rd album.

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