Melodifestivalen 2024: Grand Final (Stockholm) (2 Viewers)

Not even iconic moments like this tonight

Captura de pantalla 2024-03-09 215209.png
They’ll realise how FORGETTABLE it is soon enough…
Sending two Olly Alexanders has properly stolen the UK’s thunder.
It’s still an easy top 10 for Sweden, though insane they’re sending Norwegians in their host year.
do they have to do the weird walkway reprise even in the final?!!
Surely they aren’t doing the reprise from the green room?
Are they singing their reprise on the way to the stage because SVT will cut the show off dead on the hour?
yes Sweden now you get to see how this song is nothing without that light prop
Oh well at least we got a few solid songs from this year. Even Danny will be staying on my playlist.

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