Post a Tina Turner BANGER

The original, solo Cose Della Vita was a staple when I got cable for the first time at my parents and FUCK ME, I used to RUB MYSELF RAW...
Is that the one where he's on the BIKE? Because if it is I am pretty sure I also knocked out QUITE A FEW to that one...
Yes, Più Bella Cosa is probably my first memory of getting MTV Europe on cable TV, and I don't think I've ever seen a man look so perfect before or since. Utterly transfixed by his lips and tongue.
Leans into the girl group sound more than River Deep - Mountain High but still IMMENSE

I’ve always loved this from the movie

Inevitably overshadowed by We Don’t Need Another Hero, but this is a banger in its own right.

I don’t think there’s been anyone who has had more mileage and been more effective with covers than Tina

Half of them people associate more with her than the people who first sung them
This is the Tina song that was stuck in my head for some reason when I first woke up this morning:

I may have been down a Tina YouTube rabbit hole this morning.

She seems to have been resident on some kind of Italian variety show during her late seventies wilderness years. For each performance the dancers arrive on a roller coaster for some reason (those crazy Italians) and the voice-over announces "TINA TURRR-NNNERRR" three times:

Her first major hit and presumably one of her first ever TV performances. Really gives a sense of her place across the whole history of modern popular music. This was four years before The Beatles made their first TV appearence. What's most remarkable to me is that there's no sense of her still being untested and finding her feet - it really was all there!

Sexy Ida Part 1:

Part 2 goes off more though, and apparently features Marc Bolan:

The start of her 80s comeback. This was a modest hit in Europe and the producers (B.E.F.) subsequently produced her career-reviving cover of Let's Stay Together. The rest is history...


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