Post an AI picture of Enya. (1 Viewer)


I first saw this ad on TV in October but recently (January 2025) it has more frequently appeared. 😄

Features Saltwater, saxophone remix exclusive to giffgaff. Finally found the credits here 🪄
*Saltwater by Chicane not the other way haha - credits for the ad saxophone player/performers :D

Ad aside, I'd love to see a picture of Enya playing the saxophone, in a flowery glade, or with a peregrine falcon 🤩




:laugh: 🦅 🎷 🎼🌸🪄
Enya and RuPaul 1

Enya and RuPaul 2

Enya and RuPaul 3

Enya and RuPaul 4

I only just discovered this today! 👸 from 2006
Enya cropped from a photo, Halloween 2006

And this, mentioned before, 2013
Enya cropped from a photo, Halloween 2013

As well as the music, I'd like a new album of Enya's Halloween Costumes :D

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Meant to be Enya in the year 1984, sitting on a bed, holding a cup of tea. 😊☕
Enya (or Demi Moore as Molly in Ghost 1990) holding a warm cup sitting on a bed

^I've been intending to properly watch Ghost haha

Enya concept, 1984 (no real photos of her that year I think) holding a cup of tea, sitting on a bed, nice pyjamas

This seems a little more like early 80s Enya, the wall in a premonitory fantastical sense. 🤗🌌🪄
(Sinéad O'Connor on the left 🪽 this is fun, plus the lion and cobra behind :grin: )
Sinéad dressed like Enya, also Enya, a cobra and lion that vaguely resemble them both, haha.

I know Sinéad would've rather shaved her head though ☺️
Sinéad, Enya, lion, grass snake, and cobra.

Also interesting, looks like both but I can't tell which eras/ages haha:
Younger Enya in a floral dress, Sinéad in a suit ?? Nice though, and the cobra and lion.

Enya and Sinéad ♡ black-and-white photo concept, late 2010s

Image of Enya chilling in the studio, from 1988-89 ♡

'89 rather than '85 full image (a photo rather than scan would be better, but still 🪄

"Eithne Ní Bhraonáin — dreaming in her suburban recording studio" 🥰💭🎼
(Good future prompt :thumbsup:)

Enya 1 based 97% on the original ♡
Enya 2 based on these, older/present-day re-created version ♡

🎼 🤗

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