Post an iconic picture of Gates McFadden / Doctor Beverly Crusher


If I only could...
Jan 17, 2008
Between war and denial

What is going on here? :D
That's the episode Phantasms, from season seven. I don't want to spoil it but it's full of iconic imagery, including one that would fit perfectly in the 'Post an iconic picture of Marina Sirtis/Counselor Deanna Troi' topic (coming soon no doubt :disco:).
Commander Beverly G. Crusher, MD (nƩe Howard) was the chief medical officer aboard the USS Enterprise-D and its successor, the USS Enterprise-E, both under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. She briefly left her post as CMO of the Enterprise-D to become head of Starfleet Medical, only to return shortly after. She was a Fellow of the Academy of Starfleet Surgeons (Sol Chapter).

Memory Alpha to the rescue as always :disco:
Thereā€™s a lot to be said about a woman of a certain age being given those sorts of scenes. šŸ˜
Haircare really is an under-explored medium in the Star Trek canon.

Even lost in depths of the Delta Quadrant with limited supplies for several years, Janeway still found time for the occasional blowout.

Speaking of Voyager (and sorry to go off topic) but what did poor Jennifer Lien do to the hair and makeup team to deserve THIS?


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