Real Housewives of New Jersey (1 Viewer)

Also Payback is a bitch, so start barking :D is another winner from queen Jen.
I did, it was ok. The new girls seem annoying and a bit slight compared to the OGs but we'll see. That scene of Teresa and Louis having dinner with their families felt like a cult. Very weird :D
Yeah it’s getting a bit repetitive. I’m still here to watch Jen scream awful things at other women.
It's time to bring Danielle back full time to mix things up. :disco:
Did we see Jacqueline and Teresa have reunited?! I hope this is to get her back to help Teresa take down Melissa once and for all, although I can totally see this being Melissa’s last season.

This *must* be the last season for Melissa and Joe.

Watching them mope around their home spurting rehearsed lines to each other of faux outrage about Teresa looks so transparent now.
This *must* be the last season for Melissa and Joe.

Watching them mope around their home spurting rehearsed lines to each other of faux outrage about Teresa looks so transparent now.

They literally have not had a scene so far that doesn’t involve them talking about Teresa! I’m glad the 3 newbies seem really good so far, especially friend of Jen who seems a HOOT.
Yes, it'll be interesting to see what direction the show moves in with these newbies. If it can overcome Melissa & Joe trying to take it all the way back to 2011, that is :zombie:
I’m so over this shit. Also Joe Jorge was baiting Louie for a Joe Guidice reaction, it’s pathetic.
It's pathetic, but at least it's glaringly so this time around. I know we're only three episodes in, but it does seem like there's no coming back from this season for the Gorgas. It's a hatchet job.

Louis downright laughing in Joe's face at his tantrum, Gia's confessional, Gabriella breaking her five-year on-camera silence to call them liars :disco:
I’m Team Nobody this season. :D I understand the Gorgas but they are being transparent and embarrassing, and I could never, ever, back Teresa and her rotten little cult.
Last week's episode with the MOZZARELLA PARTY was honestly one of the most fun times I've had with New Jersey since Danielle THE DUCHESS Staub was shuffled off to the glue factory. WHO is the camp new friend of?? She almost felt like a production plant. Surely some sort of failed stand-up comedian chasing her LAST SHOT of a breakthrough :D

The new Danielle is begrudgingly great, although I can't WAIT for the inevitable Trump-loving social media reveal.
I have no idea why we have the other new boring Wife when Jackie (and hot husband Evan) is RIGHT THERE desperate for a d-list feud with new Danielle.

I was NOT HERE for the extended husband scene however this episode, and one of the new husbands (the one with the DEFINED BEARD??) makes me feel QUITE ILL! Why are they all SO RED?

That said I do have a soft spot for Big Frank (and lets face it Delores' new man has a CLASSIC CASE of GAYFACE), and was quite into queen Bill being utterly checked out in the husbands scene and deciding to stir the pot at the last minute because WHY NOT!

I swear Bill regrets every single second of his family ever signing up for this show.
Last week's episode with the MOZZARELLA PARTY was honestly one of the most fun times I've had with New Jersey since Danielle THE DUCHESS Staub was shuffled off to the glue factory. WHO is the camp new friend of?? She almost felt like a production plant. Surely some sort of failed stand-up comedian chasing her LAST SHOT of a breakthrough :D

The new Danielle is begrudgingly great, although I can't WAIT for the inevitable Trump-loving social media reveal.
I have no idea why we have the other new boring Wife when Jackie (and hot husband Evan) is RIGHT THERE desperate for a d-list feud with new Danielle.

I was NOT HERE for the extended husband scene however this episode, and one of the new husbands (the one with the DEFINED BEARD??) makes me feel QUITE ILL! Why are they all SO RED?

That said I do have a soft spot for Big Frank (and lets face it Delores' new man has a CLASSIC CASE of GAYFACE), and was quite into queen Bill being utterly checked out in the husbands scene and deciding to stir the pot at the last minute because WHY NOT!

I swear Bill regrets every single second of his family ever signing up for this show.

Oh the bearded husband weirds me out. It’s like the beard is drawn on his face with a marker and how was he a model? He’s ugly as sin.
Extending New Jersey to be a Miami-style ensemble this season has been such a success so far??
It's the most I've enjoyed it in ages. I couldn't even tell you what happened last year aside from Teresa's LOVE BUBBLE and cowboy hat.
Danielle is proving to be the perfect new addition to the cast that it needed. She's giving off vibes of season 1 Teresa. She'll definitely be given a pass to stay for as long as she likes.

It's baffling that Rachel got made full-time while Jen had to settle for friend-of, though. Rachel is so clearly out of her depth and giving us nothing. Whereas Jen is making the most of every scene she's invited to, and giving the most too.

Jen reminds me of a character from Friends - Rachel's boss, who dates Chandler briefly and makes everything awkward. It's a bizarre personality to lean into, but I'm so glad she has :disco:
Is Dolores' softball game a SEASON STAPLE these days??? It's barely Housewives go wild in the Bezerkshires in regard to interesting TV content is it??

Also Dolores pls just get back with Frank, your new boyfriend looks like he's MELTING!
Also also I HATE the new Housewife Rachel? Is that her name.
Her and her husband genuinely look like Melissa & Joe Gorga impersonators that you'd hire from a lookalike agency? A Housewife should have some element of fabulousity as part of her personality, and from what we've seen so far she has ZERO!

A little confused why she's a main cast member tbh, from what we've seen so far she could have easily skated by as a Friend Of.
Her husband with his beard drawn on looks ridiculous.

Also Jen and Bill in therapy…yikes. He hates her.
I know Joe and Melissa are insufferable but Louie is a psychopath.
Also what’s the point of Danielle if she’s gonna walk away everytime an argument starts? Did she not understand the assignment. It makes it obvious that the shit with her brother is dark.
omg VOMIT at new Housewife Rachel and this disgusting adoption storyline??
Rapidly chasing WHITNEY WILD ROSE as my most HATED Housewife currently in rotation - how DARE she use the parentage of her non-son for a storyline, and slander his ACTUAL mother so much in the process? :D

OFF with HER HEAD! Not to mention that her and her disgusting meat sack of a husband are even LESS aspirational than Brandi from DALLAS!
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Her makeup is also awful, she has this white halo around her eyes and the rest of her is carrot orange. And that nose :eyes:

Anyway, I’m not enjoying this season one bit.
The latest episode felt like a pilot for a New Jersey without Teresa, and as much as I care little for Teresa as a Housewife it really showed up the rest of the cast as having absolutely NOTHING in her absence :D Jennifer Aydin can only do SO MUCH
I like Dolores, she’s too much of a blind loyalist but then you get moments like this

The best thing about this episode is that Jen Fessler fucked Toni Soprano. Which makes me insanely jealous of her.

The rest is garbage. This is the second time that Teresa (now with Jen) spreads a rumor about Melissa and it’s kinda nasty. I’m glad they didn’t go to the wedding cause it showed some spine.
This season is EXHAUSTING to watch.
If it wasn't for Jen (and Bill) I'd honestly just STOP. I swear Teresa has barely any screen time these days too, she feels like a guest star on her own SHOW!

I'm really starting to hate Margaret. NOTHING going on her life clearly, and I really mean NOTHING! Her inbox is permanently EMPTY aside from occasional invites to co-host DRAG BRUNCHES at regional GAY BARS.
Why are the men so red? Louis is scary.

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