I mean at this point they're replacing LEAH and EBONYImagine trying to replace Ramona/Luann/ Dorinda/Bethenny/Jill/Sonja!
I still haven’t braved the final series…I don’t want to ruin itI mean at this point they're replacing LEAH and EBONY
They really missed a trick not rebooting RHONY with the daughters of the cast, imagine how much Avery, Quincy and Luann’s handsome daughter all hate each other.
I love to laugh
But make me mad, and I'll date your dad
So good it bears repeating!I love to laugh. But make me mad, and I'll date your dad.
What they need to do is film a show of the original cast reacting to watching this, while drinking in Sonja's house
I almost feel like it should be discussed in a separate thread
One camera shot up Ubah's leggy legs and ALL IS FORGOTTEN, I promise you.I can’t stop watching that video and thinking about what we have lost.
I can’t stop watching that video and thinking about what we have lost.
I think that's the pointIt's JUST NOT THE SAME.