Real Housewives of New York: The Next Generation (aka PHONY) (1 Viewer)

Honestly that trailer really does look absolutely awful. LOW RENT LOW STAKES and women acting like they think Real Housewives should act. The lack of chemistry between them LEAPS off the screen.

They must know the pressure behind getting this reboot to work, and THOSE were the best bits of the season to highlight..? :bruised: It's giving Dubai and that is NOT a compliment.
They really missed a trick not rebooting RHONY with the daughters of the cast, imagine how much Avery, Quincy and Luann’s handsome daughter all hate each other.

Really truly this would have been a fabulous proposition. Not to mention JILLS DAUGHTER and FAT CAMP survivor Ally, who like Avery truly learnt everything she knows from her MAMA :disco:

OMG why do I want this show right now :D It could be a whole new FRANCHISE with the iconic mothers sharing the screen time :disco:
I liked the first episode. It is nice to see something chique and expensive after Salt Lake and the others. New York just feels right.

Erin is obviously the Jill, she’s intense. Jessel is trying too hard. The others are cool and more relaxed.
I'm sorry girls but I'm quite obsessed with the first episode of the new franchise. Jenna in particular is stuck in my head, what a CHARACTER.

CHEESEGATE is haunting me.

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