Topic for news events that probably don’t justify a new topic (1 Viewer)

So fucking sad! One of the most iconic buildings of northern Europe. :(
god I hope that horse is OK but if it got hit by a BUS surely the omens aren't good

anyway have some equestrian memes

Bloke ran his car into the house first, apparently. Some phone footage knocking about. Looks like some size of chib.
I have friends nearby. They're fine, but sounds like they were lucky. One of them is working from home today when she wouldn't normally be, and the other one of them was running late this morning and got to the station when police were there. They were woken by sounds of helicopters and sirens so sounds like it was a rather huge operation.

Not sure if official yet, but they're saying a 15 year old has died...
"Kindest plumber in the world" stories were faked.

Proof that we often can't have nice things, and being a grumpy old cynic is sometimes fully just.

I remember a time my Facebook feed was flooded with these stories, and I always questioned how was keeping himself afloat doing all these selfless deeds for free. Turned out, he just liked clout.

BBC News - James Anderson of Depher: 'Hero' plumber's firm faked stories - BBC News
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Watched the documentary this morning. How he thought he would get away with it I don’t know!
Obsessed with Australia’s richest woman trying to get an ugly portrait of her taken down from a gallery and resulting in it making worldwide news so everybody sees it

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Considering they're built on science and data, I wonder what science and data they're using that suggests that birth rates are reducing?

We really are in the prequel to The Handmaid's Tale aren't we.
Of all the many existential crises humanity seems to be facing right now, the drop in birth rates is the one I find the hardest to take seriously.

Oh so a few hundred thousand of the coffin dodging cunts who got us into this mess may not have access to a support network to usher them out of this plane of existence in maximum comfort? MY HEART BLEEDS

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