AS6 E11: The Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve & Talent Monologue

Wasn't it only called that because it was a play on The Vagina Monologues (AKA The Cunt Monologues)? I don't think the challenge was to actually have to literally embody all four of those qualities in the story itself.

Probably, but part of an exciting monologue is embodying those qualities to a degree.

Of course it IS somewhat problematic if it's NOT REAL :D But she delivered on the entertainment front whereas Trinity I found to be rambling and Ra'Jah just not especially interesting (and with "mistakes").

I've given up expecting sincerity from Ginger so I'll take her polished performance over the rest for this challenge (except Eureka)
Well that sort of worked out in the end for me. Yes, sorry for Silky but I think whoever said it was probably the best rudemption she could ask for was right. Leave them wanting more, she left on a high, which is more than a lot of them get. The last-eliminated coming back is a bit of a meh result but I can't begrudge it - and Eureka hasn't missed any main challenges so I don' think she's had an easier ride in the grand scheme. It's no different from them having a double-shantay in the end (which Eureka has also had in the past :basil:) I certainly like her a lot more this time around.

I actually thought they all did a good job with the monologues, and I think Eureka's charisma took her the final distance. I hadn't thought about Ginger's story being dodge, but yes I suppose it was embellished a TOUCH too far, and I did :D at the poster saying she was sucking up by adding a Ruby slippers reference for Ru. She didn't really take that not at all about not sounding conversational. I think she could tell me the sky was blue and I'd feel like "Sure Jan :rolleyes: " :D

1. Kylie - In contrast I feel a real genuine charm from her, I assumed she'd be a mid-table queen but she's really consistently done well. Didn't REALLY get this week's runway, but I think we are at the point where they're running out of clothes so...
2. Ra'Jah - Weirdly although I've put her 2nd I still want her to win. What a total joy she's been this season.
3. Eureka - Also oozing charisma, and this week's runway was great. When I say I SCREAMED when she went to vote with that clown outfit on :D
4. Ginger - It's difficult, on paper I can see she is a talented person and I do like her. And I HATE this cliche of showing your vulnerability, but I actually think that's my problem with her, her reactions always seem performative. I don't mean that I think she's lying, but she rarely seems to talk without it sort of being produced. She's had a rudemption after AS2 now, I don't think she needs a crown to elevate any more ugly dresses.
Oh and that lip sync was so blah, what a weird choice of song, which both of them didn't have any idea what to do with!
OH OH and one more thing - I know this is from 2 or 3 weeks ago but I KEEP thinking about it and I never said -

Ru telling someone (Ra'Jah?) in the werkroom about how Bugs Bunny was like *Nelson Muntz laugh*, and again on the main stage.

:D I don't know why I keep thinking about that, I just had to get it off my chest
I don't get why they decided on the structure last week they did, which always gave the last eliminated girl a 50% chance of coming back. I'd have much preferred some format where they faced off equally against each other.
I don't get why they decided on the structure last week they did, which always gave the last eliminated girl a 50% chance of coming back. I'd have much preferred some format where they faced off equally against each other.
Have them compete in a lipsync tournament with the current final four deciding who wins each battle. That would have given everyone more of a chance to shine (and the top four something more to do than just sit there reacting), and having them all compete on the same day would have meant queens weren't able to bring along props to bluff people into thinking their performances were better than they were.
I don't get why they decided on the structure last week they did, which always gave the last eliminated girl a 50% chance of coming back. I'd have much preferred some format where they faced off equally against each other.

That would have made it more exciting, but also less fair.
Yeah I don’t think it needed to be fair but it felt a lot easier to get behind the excitement (or fury if you hate silky).

I don’t think it serves anyone especially if the first out has the same chance as the last out. The way they did it, you had to work harder to get back against the odds
Having them face off in some sort of tournament with Serena Chacha winning two lipsyncs to end up in the top 5 would have been completely rubbish.
I think the game within a game should have been a whole episode of RuPaul’s Family Fortune like they did in the episode before it.

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