KC 🦋
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  • When do you arrive on the 21st? You might see me mincing through O'Hare in my uniform. :disco:
    Yes! But am only there for about 24 hours. Staying at the Knickerbocker.

    How long are you there for?
    Er...that'd be a no. Until I'm at my Falconmen peak of physical fitness of course.

    So, 2019 then?
    I'm fine thank you I thought the daily thread was a good place to whine about life?? lol I'm just going through a rough patch at the moment but I rarely talk about my private life, especially here.
    LOL Don't be I'm a terrible homebody. You'd do more with Chicago than I do. I really need to get out there and take advantage of what the city has to offer more often.
    Nice Let me know how the visit goes. After seeing it on a top 10 best places to live I am looking for houses in Morton Grove.
    I am buying you a ring as I TYPE but I think my outfit for today will awake the Fashion Police beast within!
    That's sweet :disco:

    Don't think we've conversed in a while but always thought you were an asset. Maybe I'll remember that next time :D
    Hiya babes, I think I've been a bit quiet alright - to coincide to with Mariah's silence. I have been observing though, and will be back in action shortly I'm sure!
    LOL you don't really expect me to ask for advice from RS, who in case you haven't noticed said "Sweden doesnt need any more queens or filthy Arabs." You seem to have coped well, I'm happy for you - I had plenty of Iraqi friends who were struggling with Immigration, so thank God you were handled well! And New Zealand is SO AMAZING! It's where they shot Lord of The Rings films so the scenery must compensate for the racist NZies! Thanks for the advise. Turns out you really are secretly awesome. :)
    Thanks, KC! And absolutely. I might learn the language and blend in to an extent, but merging into a different society is never easy. And I'm happy so. I love my country and as soon as I can go back I'll be visiting annually, if not hunting for a job that goes from Sweden to Yemen somehow. It'll all be sorted out. Are you happy where you are now? You don't have to answer if you dont want to but I mean did you immigrate recently, or was it your family?
    Loving the new haircut and the shirt :disco: re: your question, I haven't had time to dig into my e-mail and find my username but I will this weekend
    lol I LOVE your bitchy comments. You can criticise my outfit ANYTIME babes
    it's been a while since I've visited your profile.

    I may be dating at the moment but I always have SPARE time to fool around :)
    OMG you're so pretty makes me wanna kill you but I'd fuck you before that
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