Enya quotes & quips (2 Viewers)

From this: When asked about whether women in pop have a hard time, she responded
"Yes, they do. Definitely. Fortunately, because I write and perform much of the music, I'm taken more seriously than the girls who just walk into a studio, do a vocal and that's it. I can't even imagine what that would be like." ~Enya, 1989
๐ŸŽผ๐Ÿง โœ๏ธ:enya:

~Enya, 1988 (35 years ago today) ๐Ÿ˜…โœˆ๏ธ ๐ŸŽ  ๐ŸŽผ
~Enya,1988 ๐Ÿ›โœจ๏ธ
How did I forget this yesterday ๐Ÿ˜…

Edit: and this one, from Christmas Eve ๐Ÿค—๐ŸŽ„
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Forgot about 2 days ago - time is going too fast ๐Ÿ˜…

~Enya, 1989 โœˆ๏ธ๐Ÿ›ฃ๏ธ
From this: :)
Once I've finished an album I just cut the ribbon and don't listen to it, but recently when an album was played during a live radio interview I was moved to tears.

I don't take anything for granted. Every day your level of success goes down. You have to earn success - sweat for it. But if you give your best you'll be happy at least. When I finish an album, depression sets in and I go home. ~Enya, 1992

~Enya, 1989 ๐Ÿคข:boring: ๐Ÿš™

Yesterday I was sick/threw up/vomited, after years... it's uncomfortable feeling sick/nauseous but kind of fascinating when it happens. At least it wasn't a mess, and I'm mostly better.
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doesn't have a job.
From this: "Are you isolated from the outside world?" (Not really)
' Well, I get so little free time that it's very precious. Usually I want to spend it on my own. I like to just sit in the quiet.
Sometimes I go outside the studio, see ordinary people with nine-to-five jobs and I'm envious. But sometimes I think "Oh, God help them!".' ~ Enya, 1988

I'm like that (not envious really, more like 'I should get a job' and 'at least I'm not some overworked and underpaid person' - yet). ๐Ÿ˜…

Same article also this "Do you prefer male or female company now?" (In conversation, usually men)
' Definitely male. Sometimes women's conversations are so incredibly gossipy and boring. Men are more interested to hear what you've got to say, whereas with girls you just can't get a word in. You just have to give up.' ~ Enya, 1988

Another one I agree with, 'sensible-conversation-in-person-wise', haha. Instead of 'give up', more like trail off your points, and let the other woman do the talking until you can 'escape'. :laugh:
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~Enya, 1989 โœจ

I just learnt today that the BPI Awards was the old name for the BRITs ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐ŸŽถ
Of course Tracy Chapman would win ๐ŸŒŸ but aw, Enya's also still a winner in my eyes. โ˜บ๏ธ ๐ŸŽผ
No I don't go to church. I was brought up, you know, going to church on Sunday but, to me now, with church, it's more sort of the spiritual side of it.
If I went to church it would be to see the architectural sort of buildings, and it's a very peaceful place to just take a moment, but on the religious side, no I wouldn't be practising. ~Enya, 2015
Enya says this around 6:11 (previous link) but related points ยฑ 1:30
The interviewer guy seems to think it's all religious ๐Ÿ˜… and Enya's saying otherwise (more spiritual) and of course the reverb and church 'aesthetic' surrounding them in the studio. :laugh:โ›ช๏ธ ๐ŸŽถ
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Ah I forgot to post on the day (35 years later haha) for these:

~Enya, 1989

Entomophobic and shopaholic in Paris
๐Ÿœ๐Ÿšซ ๐Ÿ›โ˜”๐Ÿš‰๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท

(both Enya and Roma :laugh: :laugh: )
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~Enya, 1989 :grin:๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ†๐ŸŒŸ

(I was trying to find if there's a clip online of Enyaโ€™s win from the 1989 Irish Music Awards - not yet it seems, but hopefully soon!) Also I wonder if that was the first time Enya went to Japan? ๐Ÿ—พ:disco:
My 1,000th post on Moopy! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐ŸŽ‰
"Anything that's negative I'm good at turning around and making positive.
I spend too long here sometimes ๐Ÿ˜… but at least I'll get to revisit the original Echoes In Rain thread. ๐Ÿค—
In the early days, I would be hurt and would believe everything I read. Nowadays, I don't expect everybody to listen to the music. I'll read good or bad criticism and neither bothers me.
:enya: :cool:
Within ourselves - myself, Nicky and Roma - we are really happy." ~Enya, 2000

Hope they still are 'really happy' โ˜บ๏ธ content with the amazing quality work achieved across four decades of a musical career ๐ŸŽผ๐ŸŒ  but also looking to continue. ๐Ÿคฉ
Hopefully I do something worthwhile with my future career too.

~Enya, 1989 ๐Ÿค— that's sweet, and Buddhist temples anywhere are really lovely to visit. ๐Ÿ˜Šโ˜ธ๏ธ

I do wonder about the restaurant she visited and the 'ultra-modern hotel' though ๐Ÿ˜…

~Enya, 1989


I read this quote as she was sick on the plane (possibly contributed to from being quite a gourmande at the restaurant) and in a rush, and no-one she knew was there to help during the flight. :sick:
My little sister threw up during a flight (thankfully I wasn't sitting next to her) and my mum helped of course, but the flight attendant was useless. :rolleyes:
Whatever happened, poor Enya ๐Ÿ˜… (Roma apparently doesn't like flying, so probably wasn't there, and Nicky was asleep.)

At least her destination was quite nice โ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ
Enya kind of reflecting on her stubbornness, and talking about overcoming the clashes in the recording studio. :D
"I'm very stubborn - and it's good and it's bad"

"just forget about anything else, just let's go for what we want to do, let's record it, if it's mad, if it's silly, let's go for it! [...] we can do what we want."
~Enya, 1989

:enya: ๐ŸŒŸ

@disneyteletubby I have a quite cute quick Eithne Pรกdraigรญn Nรญ Bhraonรกin quip question: has she ever said anything about the Fugees stealing her hmmmms without asking first?
:laugh: Yes, I think she has a few times.
"At the beginning, with The Fugees, we were actually on the verge of suing them because of the copyright infringement, because they just didnโ€™t approach us. It was a case of, I wasnโ€™t featured at all on the credits and it [the sample] was very much a part of the song. So myself, Nicky and Roma felt it was very important to stand up in that regard to how we felt about sampling. By all meansโ€ฆ if you want to sample a piece, but come forward, letโ€™s hear the song and if weโ€™re happy to go ahead we will absolutely approve." ~Enya, 2016

Main ideas are that Eithne was unhappy because she was not initially credited, yet others who were sampled on the Fugees' album The Score were. She seemed kind of worried regarding the lyrics too, but didn't understand the message at first, and later accepted it. :)

"I would have been flattered had they asked me. But I was completely hurt because on the back of their album, the other people who are sampled are credited and Iโ€™m not. Immediately the publisher wanted to pull the song off the albumโ€ฆ but when their manager heard about it, he got in touch with me and Nicky and Roma and apologized. I was concerned about my fans because a lot of rap albums have obscene language and I didnโ€™t want people to think I would be involved. But their manager explained the bandโ€™s message and that itโ€™s different because itโ€™s hip-hop, not rap. I thought about it and I know what itโ€™s like to work so hard in the studio, so we decided to let them leave the song on, but with a sticker on the back." ~Enya, 1997
Quotes extracted from here and here. ๐Ÿ˜Š
So the Fugees have to hand over 100% Ready or Not royalties? Citation [1] says Winans pays "60% - 40% less than the Fugees".
Ah I forgot about the one for yesterday:


~ Enya, 1989 ๐Ÿค—๐ŸŒฑ

(I'd quite like to hear that interview :disco: )
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Three days of being in fantasy land?

Madame lives in a castle with unicorns and gargoyles, doing nothing but nude treadmill and hosting banquets for the Ryans and Jedward. She lives fantasy land EVERY DAY
From this (towards the end of the video)
(It was around the time of those frequent terrorist attacks, starting in Paris.)
I didn't have a school trip to Paris in Year 8 because of it; I've not been to France yet anyway, but used to want to go to Disneyland. Disneyteletubbyland is more safe. โ˜บ๏ธ
"There are very traumatic moments that have happened...and I think that music is very important universally for people, the music is very strong, and can give you hope, and can heal many wounds." ~Enya, 2015
"Oh not that Colleen" hissed Enya before throwing her doofer at the wall, causing that framed picture of her meeting whatever pope was the pope at the time to fall down. She sighed, looked at facebook and watched some cat videos and forgot all about it. She couldn't find the doofer all night mind.
This article again:

When Enya was asked "Were you happy at school?" she recalls a dream the previous night:
'I'm happy about some aspects but I always have recurring nightmares about it. Last night I dreamt that the nuns came in and said "You've got to come back to school now", and I said "But I've got an interview to do tomorrow". But they just said "It doesn't matter - you've got to come back to boarding school.' ~Enya, 1988
Luckily it was just a dream ๐Ÿ˜…
This quote's about a dream come true:
"Because of the success of this album [Watermark], we're [...] able to bring in a digital machine into the studio in Dublin [...] we don't have to repeat everything we do [...] remaster it as as we go along, and that's... like a dream come true." ~Enya, 1988

(So Enya, Nicky and Roma could stay in their own cosy studio rather than go over to Orinoco/Miloco in London) ๐Ÿ˜Š

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