Enya quotes & quips (2 Viewers)

From this supposedly rare Watermark interview (not transcribed on the archive pages, and apparently had a video before but isn't around now):
‘I spend an awful lot of money on clothes, but always try to make sure I really like, and will wear it, before splashing out

And something that seems otherwise in later Enya appearances:
Pet hates are nylon tights and high heels. :D
‘They put you into that really grown-up category, if you know what I mean! I’ve always felt uncomfortable in high heels, they’re so obviously all dressed up.
~Enya, 1988

I agree with the high heels feeling uncomfortable, though as I'm sure Enya does, will grin and bear it, since it's usually a one-off event (one of very few times a year). Those tights were annoying when having to wear them at ballet and school most of the week, but I rarely wear them nowadays. Then again I have my graduation ceremony in just under 2 weeks and will probably have to wear both. 😅
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I noticed this interview randomly comes up free from the Financial Times website (since yesterday, even has new comments) from searching "Tea with the FT" (go to the link through the image) :D so here's Enya talking about the naming of her (castellated mansion) castle 🪄🏰
"It was restored after a fire in the 1920s and it kind of lost its Victorian look. So I kind of brought it back to Victorian, with aspects of Georgian and contemporary. It was called Victoria Castle and then Ayesha Castle, but I have rechristened it Manderley Castle, after the house in Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca. It’s very much, sort of, me . . ."
~Enya, 2005 ♡
This is another rare-ish article, Enya talking about being recognised when she visits Australia (Enya mentioned this in a 2016 article too, this is earlier) :
“Somebody will approach me and say, ‘Do you know you look like Enya?’ I've thought about playing along and denying it. But that wouldn’t be right. I am Enya.”

~Enya, 2008 ♡
Enya was asked here:

Do you hope to be recording into your 70s?
Well writing music is so easy. Depending on if you’re writing a score or a project, it could be anything – so I’d imagine I would definitely stay involved in music to a good age. Taking a break has been a huge realisation for me about how much I really enjoy what I do.
~Enya, 2015 ♡
(and regarding 'definitely stay involved in music to a good age' I hope so) 🤗🎶
Enya has been involved in Children In Need in the past, the Northern Ireland bit mostly (2001 and 2008) ☺️
She does wonder, what if her song Dreams 'a child in need of love and care' could've been released as a CiN single in 1985, along with the introduction of Pudsey Bear. 🧸

(Meant for Speculate Wildly thread haha)
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A little Enya quote/quip from here about trains
I haven't travelled by proper train for ages (besides the Tube in 2022) but I do the last bits Enya mentioned ☺️😶‍🌫️

“I find travelling by train gives you time to think and reflect. The rhythm of a train journey is particularly soothing; it allows you to listen to your thoughts, even plan the future, and daydream especially.”
~Enya, 2008 🤗

Enya has requested several people jump onto the track in order to give her a little more time.

A suspicious package at Crewe Station also blamed on Enya, was found to be a beautifully wrapped turd, after the station was evacuated for seven hours.
If it means we all get new innovative anthems about the stars, the moon, and clouds sooner than 2030, then I imagine there'll be no shortage of volunteers
Tbh reading Enya's words on that made me think how much a perspective changes depending on where you live.
Whereas she feels safe enough to think and reflect and plan and daydream i am grateful if the train reaches its destination and get out alive.
Tbh reading Enya's words on that made me think how much a perspective changes depending on where you live.
Though living close to the sea (nicer seas than around most of England) is something you have in common. 🌊
I always find it uplifting walking by the sea, even with strong waves, but that's rare for me. Maybe it's a worry for people living or working near coasts (not really Enya with a sea view), but for those who only visit a beach on holiday I guess it's generally more comfortable. ☺️
From here, regarding Sark Island: "Does it sound appealing to you, to move to somewhere like that?"
"Not necessarily to move, but I’m fascinated. It’s so nice to hear of a place that’s a little bit of heaven. Just get on a boat, have a look at the stars. I feel that it’s important for people to make time for a moment like that. Do you look at the tree that you pass every day? We shouldn’t really lose sight of what’s there, because life is hard enough."
~Enya, 2017 ♡ ⛵🌌🌳🕊️😌

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"It's not necessary to visit the places we want to describe. We can also reach them with our fantasy, with our minds, with our souls.
A better way can be music: having ourselves transported with the inner strength of melody."
~Enya, c. 1997 💗 🎼
A new one to me, I'm not completely sure when this was published, but must've been around the time that Paint The Sky With Stars was released. ☺️🪄
From here
From here, first bit about composer Sergei Rachmaninoff 🎼🎹
"I love him, and love reading about his lifestyle. And his melodies are lasting a long time. [...] There's a little bit of envy there, because those melodies were written a long time ago. And it's a little like black-and-white movies. I'm a great fan of those, too. They are still classics.
😊 🎵 🎬 🪄
I think something that has great quality will last. It's something that I hope will happen to me."

~Enya, 2000 ♡
This is another rare-ish article
Also from that one (I get the same, people are surprised or annoyed when I do speak, generally seen as quiet my whole life).:
"I was always quiet, even as a child, so there has always been an air of mystery around me [...] at school, they’d always say, ‘oh, we never know what Eithne’s thinking or what she’ll say next’."
~Enya, 2008 🔮
Similar to one already mentioned on this page; Enya seems to have considered it a long time ago:
"A long time ago I realised that you don’t have to go to that exotic country to go on a holiday, sometimes just a walk will do it. Nature can be unkind, but it’s very beautiful as well"
~ Enya, 2015 🌊🏞🏔🌱🛤🌬♡
"I don't seek to satisfy the public, otherwise that would worry me and make me too self-indulgent. I try above all to put forward a different music for those who wish to hear something else." ~Enya, 1989*


*I think this is from 1989, also it's from a translation:
Je ne cherche pas à satisfaire le public, sinon ça m'angoisse et ça tend à me rendre trop indulgente avec moi-même. J'essaie avant tout de proposer une musique différente à ceux qui veulent écouter autre chose. J'espère que mon travail pourra encourager des compositeurs qui essaient également d'écrire des musiques différentes.
"Every time I start a new album, it's like the first time [...] doesn't make it any easier, somehow it's as if it's too much to live up to.
People assume success makes you confident. It doesn't. It creates new demands."
~Enya, 1997

:unsure: 🔟🫠💿🎶


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