Eurovision Midweek Rewatch: Tel Aviv, 2019 (2100 BST 13.05.20)

2019 was SUCH A GOOD YEAR looking back
2019 really was UTTERLY BEYOND as a year. Barely two thirds through and this is already a line-up of life!
It boggles the mind that heterosexual people watch this and aren’t even A BIT inclined.
I have only watched Eurovision with one homosexual person, and that's only because we'd been to Sankeys the night before and we just sat around drinking all day to ease the comedown and Eurovision happened to be on. Eurovision is big business among the heterosexes, you know.
The postcards this year really WERE utterly gorgeous (if partly illegal for a few of them) :disco:
She looked like she’d have rather been ANYWHERE ELSE
You can practically SMELL the money laundered expense write-offs on this stage show :D
Oh GRASS GROWS when she sings a lyric with the word GRASS. How FORWARD THINKING MALTA.
I liked this one (much more for the presentation than the singing or even the song itself). Seriously, though, do the Maltese swaddle their infants in acid-soaked blankets or something? They look like they're knocking 40 by the time they leave school.
Weird choice of opener - I’d have shown off the stage.

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