I really like the song. The melodies are spot on and the outro is gorgeous. It is so different from her previous work and I love that, I love growth. However, I can't really relate to the overall message. I mean maybe if it had been released pre-pandemic? but the lyrics in this context are like...IDK. I just can't relate. Perhaps because people like me, who live in third world countries, are still struggling to get vaccines (first world countries bought the vast majority of vaccines from major laboratories in order to re-sell them after they're done vaccinating their own population, not giving the chance to third world countries and paying no attention to the UN who have been warning powerful countries about the inequality of access to vaccines. Eg: Canada bought 5 times the number of vaccines they need for their population) and so the idea of chilling on the beach seems very far away from us but oh well. Perhaps going to the beach is her way of coping with the global situation.
Running in my CLONGE
Going to