I am having a hard time putting this into words, so apologies if it doesn't make any sense:
A long history of anti-semitism is why Israel was created, and in my opinion, the reason that Israelis and also many other generally liberal Jewish people feel so defensive about Israel. The view that "the world only cares when Jews do it, not when it happens to us" is the context of why supporters of Israel don't care about the world's reaction. Its easy to say that anti-Zionism isn't connected to anti-Semitism, but when you look at the reactions and protests, I just don't think that is true. Statements like this downplay anti-semitism in my opinion:
I don't think that you specifically, or any other regular Moopy posters, are anti-semitic, but this is like a straight person saying they don't have a homophobic bone in their body, which I don't buy either.
None of this is to justify Israel's actions, but there are other nation's that do horrible things, and the idea that Israel is uniquely evil in the world partially stems from anti-semitism.
I'm sure every gay person can relate to the feeling of knowing that homophobia is involved in ways that can't be put into words, and that is the same feeling that I get from statements in this thread and on the internet and especially when phrases like "the anti-Semitism lie" are used