Kylie - Disco (album 15)

This will pass the Cosmetica thread very soon.

We backed the right of horse of FINE WINE rather than HAUS LABS!
Why does the fact that anyone is keeping track make me :D

It’s made realise that I shouldn’t have moaned about the BLUE MARBLE considering some of the FALSE ADVERTISING my Miss Stephanie Gerramata was shitting out with her Chromatica scammery!
I don't know but they certainly don't have VINYL PLAYERS and they're also CUNTS if Min is DENIED numero uno. :zsazsa:
Plus I’m waiting on the signed deluxe vinyl to buy my first additional format of an album in like 13 years.
Side note: I do like how Kylie calls her home recording studio the “Infinite Disco, London” in the credits. :disco:
A few years ago I would have been accused by moopy of stockpiling Kylie albums on release and now people are doubting whether I’ve even bought ONE. :(

I've not bought it YET. as @monsta points out I'm not in the UK so I'd have to get it to delivered there and wait for Christmas to pick it up. so I'm hoping that in the MEANTIME she'll drop a vinyl variant with different artwork as I really don't want that GROTTY MESS sat alongside the likes of Future Nostalgia and TEOM on my BEAUTIFUL VINYL SHELF.
How many sales does my single full stream of the album start to finish count for? 0.1?

Should I stream the Little Mix Album too, in the interests of balance?
4/5 of the TRACY BARLOW TAPE BUNDLES have now sold out on her website :D
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And yes I’m aware the chart comes out on a Friday.
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I’ll tell you one thing - playing Remember Where You Are in the midst of this album (as part of my Spotify playlist NATCH) is like someone gently wiping my furrowed brow with a cooling flannelette.
How many sales does my single full stream of the album start to finish count for? 0.1?
this is actually quite a COMPLEX question to answer, but let's give it a shot.

here's a hot chart I did not make.


in it you can see that only the 12 most-streamed tracks from an album count toward its placing. HOWEVER the TWO (2) most-streamed songs DO NOT COUNT! this is to combat the fact that they have already impacted as singles and to prevent double-counting. the two most streamed in this case are Magic and Say Something, and for the purposes of the album chart their streams will be weighted at the average of tracks 3-12. so they do double count a bit, but not much.


100 paid streams equate to 1 sale point. therefore the best way to get her a sale is to stream the album (minus those two songs) at least 1.5 times per day. 15x7=105 streams and one sale. the 4 bonus tracks are not among the 12 most-streamed and therefore streaming them will have NO EFFECT ON SALES.

I hope this makes sense to you :)

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