Moopy Family Fortunes - Christmas Special 2019 - RESULTS (1 Viewer)

1. Name someone who appeared on any version of Band Aid, except for Bono.

Kylie Minogue 7
George Michael 6
Bob Geldof 6
Boy George 4
Bananarama 3
Children 1

I'm not sure whether it's more surprising that Kylie only won by one point or that Band Aid 2 is now in the top half of Do They Know It's Christmas version quality.
Ag Kylie Minogue 7
Alla Kylie Minogue 7
ameraal KYLIE 7
Buttertart Kylie Minogue 7
Dark carnival Kylie 7
Jacques Kylie 7
Tischlampe Kylie 7

David_5000 Bob Geldof 6
Indie Geldof 6
Peekaboo Bob Geldof 6
Rhythmbarbican Bob Geldof 6
VoR Bob Geldof 6
wendy the goat Bob Geldof 6
Ellie George Michael 6
Kate George Michael 6
Kevin George Michael 6
KindaCool George Michael 6
octophone George Michael 6
POP! George Michael 6

FetchFugly Boy George 4
Raining On Me Boy George 4
Rita Boy George 4
Suedey Boy George 4

Bertha Genitals Bananarama 3
nerys Bananarama 3
Suomi Bananarama 3

Cloud Children 1

No-one did too much damage to their chances here. Except @Cloud. Welcome though.
2. Name something sweet that you might eat at Christmas.

Mince Pies 12
Christmas Pudding 5
Chocolate 3
Children 1
Christmas Cake 1
Dates 1
Gingerbread 1
Sweets from a tin 1
Turkey 1
Yule Log 1
Buttertart Mince Pie 12
Dark Carnival Mince Pie 12
David_5000 Mince Pie 12
Fetch Fugly Mince Pie 12
Jacques Mince Pies 12
Kate Mince Pies 12
nerys Mince Pies 12
octophone Mince Pie 12
Peekaboo Mince Pies 12
Raining On Me Mince Pie 12
Suedey Mince Pies 12
Suomi Mince Pie 12

Alla Christmas Pudding 5
Bertha Genitals Christmas Pudding 5
Rita Christmas Pudding 5
Tischlampe Christmas Pudding 5
VoR Christmas Pudding 5

Ag Chocolate 3
ameraal CHOCOLATE 3
Indie Chocolate 3

Cloud Children 1
KindaCool Christmas Cake 1
Ellie Dates 1
POP! Gingerbread 1
wendy the goat Sweets from a tin (if that's too vague, Quality Street) 1
Kevin Turkey 1
Rhythmbarbican Yule Log 1

Turkey in Holland must be very different than it is in the UK. That'll be the explanation, right enough.
3. Name a colour that you associate with Christmas.

Red 23
White 2
Green 2

This was the last question that I added to the round. And the worst. You needed to get this right to have any chance of winning.
Ag Red 23
ameraal RED 23
Bertha Genitals Red 23
Buttertart Red 23
Cloud Red 23
Dark Carnival Red 23
David_5000 Red 23
Ellie Red 23
FetchFugly Red 23
Indie Red 23
Jacques Red 23
Kate Red 23
Kevin Red 23
nerys Red 23
octophone Red 23
Peekaboo Red 23
POP! Red 23
Raining On Me Red 23
Rhythmbarbican Red 23
Rita Red 23
Suedey Red 23
Suomi Red 23
wendy the goat Red 23

Alla White 2
VoR White 2
KindaCool Green 2
Tischlampe Green 2

The four not red answers all sent in their responses consecutively, near the start of the game. It looked like this might be a close question for a while.
4. Name somewhere that you wouldn’t want to be on Christmas Day.

Work 7
Prison 7
Hospital 2
Airport 1
At the In-Laws House 1
Church 1
Dubai 1
The Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses 1
The M25 1
My Exes House 1
On Your Own 1
The Streets 1
The UK 1
The White House 1

Good range of answers here. I'd think Dubai might be quite nice at Christmas, provided you're in a hotel with booze.
Ag Work 7
FetchFugly At work 7
Kate At Work 7
Kevin At work 7
KindaCool Work 7
Peekaboo Work 7
POP! Work 7
Alla Jail 7
Bertha Genitals Prison 7
David_5000 Prison 7
Ellie Prison 7
Raining On Me Prison 7
Rhythmbarbican Prison 7
Suomi Prison 7

Indie Hospital 2
Tischlampe Hospital 2

Dark carnival Airport 1
Jacques At the In-Laws House 1
octophone Church 1
ameraal DUBAI 1
Rita My Exes House 1
Cloud The Kingdom Hall of Jehova's Witnesses 1
Suedey The M25 1
wendy the goat On your own 1
VoR The Streets? 1
Buttertart The UK 1
nerys The White House 1

I'm not sure if Rita was referring to one specific ex's house or many exes' houses.
4. Name somewhere that you wouldn’t want to be on Christmas Day.

Work 7
Prison 7
Hospital 2
Airport 1
At the In-Laws House 1
Church 1
Dubai 1
The Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses 1
The M25 1
My Exes House 1
On Your Own 1
The Streets 1
The UK 1
The White House 1

Good range of answers here. I'd think Dubai might be quite nice at Christmas, provided you're in a hotel with booze.

Some wonderful answers there.
5. Name a Christmas song that was first recorded in the 21st Century.

One More Sleep 17
Christmas Time (Don't Let The Bells End) 2
Have A Cheeky Christmas 2
100 Degrees 1
Christmas Lights 1
Everyday's Like Christmas 1
Once Upon A Christmas Song 1
One More Step 1
Santa Tell Me 1

It's always fun when people try to do a Moopy answer and it doesn't go well. That must be the only explanation for Have A Cheeky Christmas. Second biggest answer in the game.
Am I the only heathen? Oh well. I;m scarred from a childhood of Christmas church services, what else can I say?
I genuinely couldn't think of any 21st C Xmas songs so I looked at that list of what was in the streaming charts.
Ag One More Sleep - Leona Lewis 17
Bertha Genitals One More Sleep 17
Buttertart One More Sleep 17
David_5000 One More Sleep 17
fetchFugly One More Sleep 17
Jacques - "One More Sleep" Leona Lewis 17
Kevin Leona Lewis - One More Sleep 17
nerys - One More Sleep - Leona Lewis 17
POP! - Leona - One More Sleep 17
Raining On Me - One More Sleep (Leona) 17
Rhythmbarbican - One More Sleep Leona Lewis 17
Rita Leona Lewis - One More Sleep 17
Suedey One More Sleep (Leona Lewis) 17
Suomi Leona Lewis - One More Sleep 17
Tischlampe - One More Sleep 17
VoR One More Sleep (Leona Lewis) 17

Ellie Christmas Time (Don't Let The Bells End) - The Darkness 2
Kate Christmas Time (Don't Let The Bells End) 2
Indie Have A Cheeky Christmas 2
wendy the goat - Have a Cheeky Christmas 2

Peekaboo Kylie & Dannii "100 Degrees" 1
octophone Coldplay - Christmas Lights 1
Dark Carnival - Everyday's Like Christmas - Kylie 1
Cloud Once Upon A Christmas Song (Peter Kay) 1
Alla One More Step (Leona Lewis) 1
KindaCool Santa Tell Me 1

It was probably mean not to let Alla have the top answer, given that I knew what he meant. But, that's not what its called.
Oh good, I never considered anything else for questions one or three but my first thoughts for question two were chocolate or Christmas pudding before I suddenly remembered mince pies.

I spent a week in hospital over Christmas 2016 and didn't mind the overall experience
6. Name something that you might buy as a Christmas present for someone you love.

Jewellery 13
Perfume/Aftershave 4
Chocolate 2
Underwear 2
A Partridge in a Pear Tree 1
Alcohol 1
Clothes 1
Electronics 1
A Holiday 1
Jumper 1
A Partridge in a Pear Tree 1

I wasn't sure about some of the combinations on this. I'm expecting bitching.
I have a turkey to soak (which ironically does make it sweet, in a good way) and other baking nonsense but oh well, priorities.

Thank fuck for Leona. I don't know what most of the rest of the suggestions even are!
Bertha Genitals Diamonds 13
Buttertart Jewellery 13
David_5000 Jewellery 13
FetchFugly Jewellery 13
Jacques Jewellery 13
Kevin Jewellery 13
nerys Jewellery 13
octophone Jewellery 13
POP! Jewellery 13
Suomi Jewellery 13
VoR A Ring 13
wendy the goat Jewellery 13

Indie Perfume/Aftershave 4
Peekaboo Perfume 4
Rhythmbarbican Perfume 4
Rita Perfume/Aftershave 4

KindaCool Chocolate 2
Tischlampe Chocolate 2
ameraal LINGERIE 2
Raining On Me Underwear 2

Kate Alcohol 1
Alla Clothes 1
Dark carnival Electronics (Phone) 1
Suedey A Holiday 1
Ag Jumper 1
Ellie A Partridge in a Pear Tree 1

I didn't even consider The Twelve Days Of Christmas in relation to this question. Apparently, neither did almost everyone else.
Oh fuck that. I thought perfume and jewellery but figured you could buy that for ANYONE. Underwear seems more specifically other-half-ish and not necessarily in a sexy-offering way.
7. Name something that you associate with Boxing Day.

Leftovers 12
Boxing Day Sales 10
Boxes 1
Drinking/Alcohol 1
Going to the Cinema 1
Holiday 1
Mashed Potato 1

I don't get mashed potato as an answer. Was this meant to be a reference to leftover food? But you don't get mashed potato in Christmas dinner. And leftover mashed potato is obviously repellent.

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