Moopy Family Fortunes - RESULTS AT 8PM - WIN A MOOPY MUG!!! (1 Viewer)

Aug 3, 2009
Send me your answers by midday GMT 30th December
  1. Name an American politician from the last decade who was not president
  2. Name a celebrity who is popular on social media
  3. Name a famous person who died in the last decade
  4. Name an Oscar winning film from the last decade
  5. Name a country that’s had a rough decade
  6. Name a fad of the decade
  7. Name a famous person who appeared in the opening or closing ceremonies of the 2012 Olympic games
  8. Name an elected female world leader from the last decade (not Theresa May)
  9. Name an EDM act
  10. Name a comedy series from the last decade
  11. Name a terrorist incident from the last decade
  12. Name a fashion trend from the last decade
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Oh shit, I thought that was something to do with the EDL! Fuck's sake, bury me now!
I've had some answers and already have high hopes of some fascinatingly varied results.
This will not have gone as well as the Christmas edition

This will teach me for my only idea of fashion being Primark :(

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