My top 32 favourite Real Housewives of ALL TIME: room for MORE? (1 Viewer)

May 9, 2014
Well I've been THREATENING this for a while, might as well dive in and get it started :disco:

If you're a homosexual that isn't watching at least one of the Real Housewife franchises yet, talk to me in six months time after we've lived through a Covid-19 riddled Winter with VERY LITTLE NEW TV CONTENT :eyes:

These are 30 of my favourite wives from across the huge range of franchises.
It actually features quite a lot of INTERNATIONAL flavour, and is missing some of the best-known US BIG NAMES as a result. My opinions are by no-means definitive, and I wholly encourage debate, gifs, quotes etc. should you want to pitch in :disco:
(NB: Most of the women in this countdown are utterly TERRIBLE human beings.)

Finally, if you've CURIOUS but have never watched Housewives and don't know where to begin I would suggest New York season 3, Melbourne season 1 or Beverley Hills season 1 as FABULOUS entry points.

See below for countdown SO FAR with links to posts:

31 - Ester Dee - Real Housewives of Cheshire
30 - Dorit Kemsley - Beverley Hills
29 - Dina Manzo - New Jersey
28 - Jennifer Aydin - New Jersey
27 - Aviva Drescher - New York
26 - Kim Richards - Beverley Hills
25 - SHE by Sheree Whitfield - Atlanta with fab additional thoughts from @Will
24 - Michael and Ashley Darby - Potomac
23 - Athena X and Lisa Oldfield - Sydney
22 - Vile Victoria Rees - Sydney
21 - Gilda and Michelle - Auckland
20 - Janet Roach - Melbourne
19 - Tamra Judge/Barney - OC
18 - Angela Stone - Auckland
17 - Camille Grammar - Beverley Hills with fab additional thoughts from Will
16 - Dorinda Medley - New York
15 - Vicki Gunvalson - OC PART 1 and PART 2 with fab additional thoughts from Will
14 - Kim and Nene - Atlanta with fab additional thoughts from Will
13 - Ramona Singer - New York with fab additional thoughts from Will
12 - Sonja Morgan - New York with fab additional thoughts from Will
11 - Gamble Breaux-Wolf - Melbourne
10 - Gizelle Bryant (and Robyn Dixon) - Potomac
09 - Heather Dubrow - OC with fab additional thoughts from Will
08 - Bethenny Frankel - New York
07 - Gina Liano - Melbourne
06 - Pettifleur Berenger - Melbourne
05 - Danielle Staub - New Jersey PART 1 and PART 2 and PART 2 (part 2) and PART 3
04 - Karen Huger, the Grande Dame of Potomac PART 1 and PART 2
=03 - Phaedra Parks - Real Housewives of Atlanta PART 1 and PART 2
=03 - Kenya Moore - Real Housewives of Atlanta PART 1 and PART 2
02 - Lydia Schiavello - The Real Housewives of Melbourne
01 - Luann de Lesseps aka THE COUNTESS - The Real Housewives of New York

Cynthia Bailey - Atlanta
Soggy Flicker - New Jersey
Vancouver season 1 part 1 and part 2
Louise Wallace - Auckland, by @Halloumi :disco:
Shannon Storms Beador - OC
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31: Esther Dee - Real Housewives of Cheshire

And we start off with the token representative from the UK's Housewife show RHO Cheshire.
I'm not a huge Cheshire fan. It's way too connected to the show's "star" Dawn Ward to EVER be able to break away from her, and it is FAR TOO PRODUCED in the same way that many UK reality TV shows (TOWIE etc) seem to be. The amount of "comedy" scenes of the Housewives doing an exercise/dance class or getting some sort of novelty beauty treatment in Cheshire is just FAR TOO MUCH.

However there have been some high points. Magali and human-troll Ampika were very entertaining from the early seasons, and Pete Burns/Sonia hybrid Lauren is quite...something?

Esther, aka BIG BIRD however is my shining star of the franchise. Czech-born, and a sort-of Claudia Schiffer lookalike she was immediately quite enjoyable once inserted into the show. I'm not sure quite HOW Esther was found or cast, but INSERTED into the show is very much the definitive phrase here as from memory she had absolutely no links to ANY of the women in the cast on her first season, she was basically just THROWN IN. The women frequently commented things like "WHO EVEN ARE YOU?" and "YOU DON'T EVEN LIVE IN CHESHIRE!" whenever she was around.

Esther makes it to this list basically for being a COMPLETE hot mess. She is a giant human being (approximately 7ft3 without heels) with ENORMOUS breasts and a SCREECHING voice that clearly riles up all of her cast mates whenever she is around.

She spent most of her early seasons involving herself with absolutely WHATEVER drama she could, whether she knew what was even about or not, and she broke the absolute UNSPOKEN GOLDEN RULE of the Housewives franchise at a shellfish-heavy dinner in Dubai where she happily admitted that she sleeps with RICH MEN FOR MONEY :shock:
She actually admitted she sleeps with TWO rich men for money, and can call them up at ANY TIME to put money on her credit card. This obviously did not go down very well with the other women AT ALL, yet ITV kept her on the show for several seasons after - mainly to INFURIATE most of the rest of the cast that she was still on the show.

Other Esther drama included I think the BIG REVEAL that her "fiancee" on the show wasn't actually her fiancee AT ALL, and that she actually had a secret husband who lives in Wales OR SOMETHING. She also became BFF's with Dawn Ward for a while and MOVED IN to her giant mansion.

Anyway, enough waffle. Esther is also responsible for one of my all-time favourite Housewife fights at a CHILDS CHRISTENING, where she attacks another Housewife for quite literally NO REASON WHATSOEVER whilst a coked-up Lauren gurns her face off in the background. It ends with a very drunk Esther sobbing her face off outside, as her VERY CONFUSED cast mates arrive. Honestly, give it a watch if you've never seen it - it is VERY ENTERTAINING

Sadly Esther left the show at the end of whatever number the current season of Cheshire is. I would be sad, but I don't really watch it or care that much. NEXT!
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30: Dorit Kemsley - Real Housewives of Beverley Hills


OK guys: confession time. Number 29 was actually meant to be the Champagne Lady from Auckland, but I realised I'd struggle to write more than about 3 lines about her other than WASN'T SHE ODD. I'd actually forgotten that the Champagne Lady actually had an actual name, apparently she was called ANNE!

Anyway, Auckland's loss is Beverley Hills' gain as Dorit manages to scam her way into my countdown as a result :disco:

I'm not actually a HUGE Beverley Hills fan. It has had its moments (the first two seasons in particular), but all too frequently its mainly lifestyle porn and not much plot. As a result don't expect a big BH representation in this list. :eyes:

Dorit is a funny one. She's one of the quirkiest wives I can think of, and is mainly known for her bizarre accent that changes like the wind, her ridiculous fashion choices and her general scent of SCAMMING/questionable finances are that ABSOLUTELY going to come toppling down on her and her weird British husband PK at some point in time (hopefully on camera let's be real).

She isn't a huge instigator of fights, but I do really enjoying watching her. In the last season of Beverley Hills she was prone to speaking in Italian AT RANDOM and wistfully reminiscing on the period she lived in Italy. I feel she could really step it up and become a legendary Housewife if she grabbed the low hanging fruit and commits to becoming Kyle's NEMESIS full-time. Dorit and Kim's sister are frenemies at BEST, but with a little prodding from production it could really be stepped up a notch and actually create quite a compelling narrative for the show - similar to season 1 with Camille.

Anyway, that's about all I have on Dorit. Her most dramatic scene is probably when Rinna asked her WERE PEOPLE DOING COKE IN YOUR BATHROOM? which was more about Rinna than her, so enjoy this beautiful Instagram post instead of a youtube embed. NEXT!

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29 - Dina Manzo - Real Housewives of New Jersey


Ok so NORMALLY a Housewife like Dina Manzo I would usually write off completely. To be honest, she was pretty boring, tried to swerve ALL DRAMA, and left season 2 early (cutting out her family in the process) because it was all just a bit TOO MUCH.

But I can't hate Dina. She's just comes across as SO NICE. New Jersey is a bit of a kettle of fish to other Housewives, as it is SO family-centric it often feels like it's own entity entirely - I absolutely believe it could have been packaged up as a completely different show outside of the Housewife franchise.

For Dina's first two seasons almost all the drama revolves around Danielle Stuab AKA Beverly Ann Merril who frequently seems to want to pull DINA specifically into her path of mass destruction, despite little evidence that Dina actually did anything wrong. Dina is almost entirely cordial to Danielle, and it becomes apparent she's struggling to cope with all the drama the show is bringing to her life and how it is changing her family, specifically her sister - the TERRIFYING human turnip Caroline Manzo.

Dina is possibly one of the most empathetic Housewives I've seen on the show. She clearly cared about her daughter SO MUCH, and there is a scene in season 2 where she's at a party at Caroline's house and EVERYBODY at her table is slagging off Danielle, and she just looks so uncomfortable and determined not to join in. Usually I'd shout BORING! but she somehow comes across instead as principled and dignified.

Anyway blah blah aside from the above Dina is also secretly a little bit WEIRD. Her house on seasons 1 and 2 is one of the most batshit butt-ugly things I have EVER SEEN with bizarre tapestries, gigantic vases, embroidered chairs, crystal balls and stained-glass windows aplenty. She has a collection of ugly ass cats, and some sort of DARK HISTORY with her (possibly quite controlling) husband that you never see on the show. Following her time on the show she cut herself off from her family and moved to Malibu.
It also goes without saying she's also absolutely GORGEOUS and possibly has the nearest thing to sheer STAR QUALITY I've ever seen in a Housewife, sadly (and somewhat bizarrely) this is the complete opposite for sister Caroline :(

I can't find any Dina NJ clips on youtube, so enjoy this HALLOWEEN TRICKS AND TIPS VIDEO instead


Dina actually returned to New Jersey for season 6, but I haven't watched that season. If she did anything of interest DO let me know :D NEXT!
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Dina fucking Manzo? :D

The reason she was so quite in season 2 is because psychotic Beverly had put the fear of god in her. Also her ex (who apparently hired someone to beat her and her current husband) was causing too much problems.
Dorit is someone who he’s on me from insufferable to entertaining. Getting out from under LVP’s thumb helped and also BH is such a shit show that she shines.

Wouldn’t count on her and Kyle being genuine enemies as they’ve been vacationing together for the last week or so.
Dina fucking Manzo? :D

The reason she was so quite in season 2 is because psychotic Beverly had put the fear of god in her. Also her ex (who apparently hired someone to beat her and her current husband) was causing too much problems.

I can CONFIRM that Dina Manzon is the only “boring” Housewife to make the list :D I JUST REALLY LIKE HER OK!

That clip you embedded is probably her only truly memorable scene tbh :D

It feels like there is so much unsaid on season 2 of NJ, particularly around Dina. I should rewatch alongside an internet DEEP DIVE one day :D
Esther I can't stand, and my favourite thing in your post about her is the news that she's left RHOCheshire, which I didn't know. I did enjoy the novelty of her in her first season, especially how it ended, with that trip to Dubai you mentioned. But her "oh I'm nuts, me" schtick has become so grating in recent seasons. She stuck out in her first couple of seasons in an ok way. Now it's just in a 'why are you still here' way. Glad she's got the boot now.

Dorit has had the opposite effect on me. I found her really irritating in her early seasons, but last season she really started coming in to her own, and this season she found her feet completely. I too would love to see her become full-on enemies with Kyle etc next season, and surely anyone in that Mean Girl group must see that this is the best way to ingratiate themselves to most of RHOBH's fanbase. But it doesn't seem like it's gonna happen. Dorit does end the season by being universally regarded as the one to keep from that group, alongside Garcelle, Sutton and Denise, though. So well done, Dorit.

Dina. I do agree with you that she has bags of star quality, and could have been a major Housewives player had she just played the game. But she didn't. And then she quit. And no, I can't think of anything worth mentioning from season 6 I'm afraid.
Dorit vs Erika on the junk boat was legendary for a first season housewife. She ended Erika AND made her cry.

Also her being the only one smart enough (other than Garcelle) not to jump on the Denise hate train made me like her even more this season.
Glad you are enjoying @VoR! If you ever DID want to start watching, I'd definitely recommend MELBOURNE as the best entry point for a Eurovision fan. It's full of LUDICROUS women, incredible one-liners and a very big knowing wink at the audience that some of the US shows don't always have.

Anyway, we continue. We are SO CLOSE to the point where the countdown becomes ALL LEGENDS too :disco: BUT FIRST:

28 - Jennifer Aydin: Real Housewives of New Jersey

So we go from OLD SCHOOL New Jersey with Dina, to NEW SCHOOL New Jersey with the frequently ridiculous Jennifer :D

As mentioned previously, New Jersey is a bit of an ODD ONE. It was initially a ratings smash in it's first few seasons (Teresa's TABLE FLIP is one of the most well-known and replayed reality TV moments of ALL-TIME!) but started to dwindle after time. It's middle seasons are regarded as pretty MEH by the fanbase, and some pretty CRAP casting choices didn't help either.

However, over the last few years the show has been going through a slow reset, rebuilding the cast and slimming down the focus on family a little bit bringing New Jersey a bit more aligned with the Housewives brand in other US cities. It's also the first city where we are now seeing previous FANS OF THE SHOW becoming actual Housewives themselves. Demonstrated by the additions of boring-but-rich Jackie and THIS messy drag queen JENNIFER!

Let's be clear, Jennifer is not hugely popular with a lot of the fanbase online. She's messy, loud and really quite thirsty. She's essentially an internet-gay Housewives fanboy manifesting as a Housewife, and sometimes feels like her talking heads and reunion interjections are meant to be REACTIVE TWEETS during a live-watch rather than something you'd actually say out loud :D

But I can't really help but love her. She is the lovable villain New Jersey needs now Danielle Staub is fully checked out of the show, and she has enough humility and self-awareness to stir the pot but not BOIL IT OVER into disaster and lawsuit territory.

One of her most notable storylines so far has been standing up and speaking out in support for her gay brother against her conservative Mother, and making sure her kids are FULLY on the same page as her too. Nothing that should be too radical, but in one of the more conservative strands of the franchise it was really nice to watch play out on screen, and added some much needed depth and humility to her character. There was ALSO the time Jennifer discovered boring JACKIE has more money than Jennifer will ever dream of, and went FULLY green-eyed and ridiculous, to amusing on-screen results.

Final thoughts on Jennifer: she lives beyond her means (she literally UPGRADED HER HOUSE to secure herself a spot on the show), and her poor husband will probably work himself to death trying to pay off their mortgage.

Anyway, enjoy Jennifer's drunken impressions which would absolutely be her All Stars Talent Show performance. This video also gives quite a good overview of her draggy persona :D

Enough New Jersey for now, NEXT!
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Jennifer is a good addition to Jersey, she’s too aware but she was needed to give us a villain who’s not as crazy as Sigee :zombie: and who’s not as unhinged as Beverly.
Jennifer is easily my fave New Jersey Housewife of the current seasons. She knows precisely how obnoxious she is, and she delivers it with a knowing wink to the audience, even though she actually means whatever it is she's saying. Totally brash but with a heart of gold.

Two seasons in and she's a star, whereas Jackie still seems starstruck a lot of the time.
27 - Aviva Drescher: Real Housewives of New York


So whilst the previous few are all memorable characters, and entertaining to watch (Dina Manzo aside :eyes:), they are a little light on ICONIC SCENES - Aviva Drescher's entire REIGN OF TERROR was basically a signpost for an iconic scene WHENEVER she decided to show up.

I mean the gifs ALONE tell the Aviva story better than any write up could (and have me cackling away as I find them):




I really could go on and on and on.
Aviva was parachuted in to New York along with Carole and Heather for their soft-reboot, following the TOXIC AS HELL (but with a legendary trip to MOROCCO :disco: ) season 4.
Whilst Carole and Heather immediately bonded, and started to feel somewhat at home with the rest of the cast, Aviva from the start felt a little ODD ONE OUT.

She was initially quite cordial on screen, but it didn't take long for her mask to slip. Things started to go a bit fuzzy around the season 5 cast trip, where she refused to come without her husband, and decided to berate Sonja and Ramona for DRINKING ALCOHOL ON HOLIDAY (the horror!), and branded them both white trash.

She really kicked it up a notch in season 6, randomly befriending Sonja and Ramona (how did this happen??) and deciding to launch ALL OUT WAR with former ally Carole, alleging she ghostwrote her best-selling book despite not offering any evidence for this. This resulted in a LUDICROUS fight over several floors of a posh NYC townhouse.

However my favourite Aviva moment was when she claimed she couldn't go on the (BORING BORING BORING) season 6 cast trip to Montana because she had asthma :D This gave us the viewer various scenes of Aviva puffing on inhalers, literally bringing DOCTORS NOTES and X Rays to present to the cast and screeching about how she has ASTHMA at every opportunity.


There are SO MANY other scenes too. I don't have time to do a write up for every one, so here's a quick hit-list:
- When Aviva held some sort of CHARITY (?) EVENT that she got Sonja to organise :D. Sonja booked a highly inappropriate popstar/stripper and Aviva fell down the stairs.
- Aviva's EPIC takedown over Ramona over a POT OF TEA. To this day Aviva is the only Housewife I can remember that Ramona faltered around, she is that terrifying.
- Aviva's SLEAZY HORRIBLE Father George, who pops up far more frequently than anybody needs, eventually getting THROWN OUT of Ramona's charity event for battered women despite being a 90 (?) year old man :D

Oh and did I mention Aviva only has ONE LEG? If she's not talking about asthma, she's talking about her lack of leg. There is a particularly lucid/unintentionally hilarious scene where Aviva visits the scene of where her leg got caught in a FARMING APPLIANCE causing it to be amputated.
At that point I think literally none of the women in the cast (aside from Sonja) agreed to film with her, so they were shooting whatever they could with her to justify her holding an apple. The entire scene is in really quite poor taste.

SPEAKING of legs, Aviva is best known for this iconic moment. Probably only second to Teresa's table flip in terms of most-played Housewife moments:



The static shot of the leg LYING ON THE FLOOR gets me every single time. The entire scene is COMPLETE hysterical madness, and never gets old:

The ghostwriter fight :disco: :

The ASTHMA debacle:

and if anybody can find Aviva's INCREDIBLE pot-of-tea takedown of Ramona, please post it as my youtube search is NOT SHOWING IT :kim:

What a woman! What an absolute hysterical terror! :disco: NEXT!
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I didn’t appreciate Aviva at the time, but following a recent rewatch she was legendary. What an absolute hurricane in her two seasons!

If you take Aviva out of the equation, there's not really THAT MUCH ELSE worth watching in season 5&6. Her reign of terror is the show :D

Second perhaps to Melbourne's Pettifleur for me in terms of bang-for-your-buck crazy Housewives :disco: Aviva isn't even ON SCREEN all that much!
"What is your problem?"
"You. Are my problem"

was such a moment and probably one of the most played-out pieces of Housewives dialogue in my head.

By the end of filming season 6, she must have known that she was not going to be invited back for season 7, so that leg toss must have been her attempt at getting onto another show. Which, if I recall correctly, was limited to a season of Marriage Bootcamp.
She burned bright and fast. I’ve actually never watched the Aviva seasons properly as I was taking a break from the housewives at the time (stupid bitch) but I’ve rewatched the reunions.

“Show some compassion lady” is a favorite of mine. Also she’s responsible for the classic “CALM DOWN, take a Xanax”.
You could deffo do a speed watch of 5&6 by fast forwarding through most of the solo scenes. I think they Aviva scenes are the only truly memorable ones from both seasons from the top of my head.

I am GUTTED that the legendary Ramona vs Aviva scene seems to have been REMOVED from youtube, despite having watched it recently. So enjoy Aviva vs Sonja instead as a replacement :D
Ok, so due to some PREVIOUSLY UNFORSEEN ADMIN ERRORS I may have accidentally counted a Housewife TOO MANY, so this thread is from-here out my top 31 Housewives of all time :disco:

(I ALSO meant to include Christall/Mrs Mops from RHo Johannesburg in a sort of SWEEPING commentary on that curio of a franchise, but I feel I pretty much covered that somewhere in the main Housewives thread already :D)


26 - Kim Richards: Real Housewives of Beverley Hills




OK look, I'm conflicted about including Kim in this countdown, because out of ALL the huge insane world of Housewives cast members that exist, Kim Richards is probably the most troubled of all. :(

Sister to the quietly evil Kyle, Kim really IS Baby Jane come to life and then played out on screen. At times (MOST OF THE TIME!) it's frequently quite uncomfortable to watch, and her featuring in the show can feel quite exploitative.


In a nutshell, Kim was originally the more successful sister > fast forward a few years and Kyle is the one with more money, in a happy (?) marriage with a strong group of friends. Kim hasn't worked professionally in years, her relationships are all over the place, and she's obviously struggling with various addiction issues that particularly start rearing their head from season 2 onwards. In many ways, it's RATHER QUESTIONABLE that Kyle asked her SISTER Kim to join the show in the first place - but I guess she got a paycheque I guess?

To illustrate my point, RINNA once (questionably) said this about her on camera:

However, as somebody who seems to attract WAIFS AND STRAYS in real life, I can't help but love Kim. She's absolutely unpredictable and often properly heartbreaking to watch - but you can't help but hope she makes it. She's the ultimate underdog of the Housewives franchise, and AT THE TIME OF WRITING she seems to have turned a corner and be in somewhat of a better place.

HOWEVER all of that said, she has a whole host of iconic scenes and lines (NOT THOSE ONES) under her n̶o̶s̶e̶ belt, that really make her stand out as an iconic screen presence. Similar to Aviva, GIFS probably tell the story better than a write up:






Anyway, I feel about ICKY dissecting Kim in quite the same way as the other women, so I won't mention the time she made a HUGE CHICKEN SALAD SPREAD BUFFET for her daughter pre-prom...only for her daughter to walk straight out the door and not eat any of it :(


My favourite scene for a youtube embed, is probably her infamous "GIVING BACK THE BUNNY" moment, featuring Rinna's single tear. A masterclass in sad camp if you understand the context:

Anyway, TO REPEAT: Kim no longer seems CLOSE TO DEATH, and I wish her all the best x
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I love Kyle running from the restaurant in Amsterdam. It’s probably my all time favorite housewives GIF.

Kim was good value and I think ultimately the show did her good and helped her sober up. It’s just (un)fortunate that we had to watch her struggles and relapses. I also sympathize with Kyle because it must not be easy being the sister of a hot mess addict.

On the other hand, I find Lisa Rinna during the whole bunny affair to be monstrous (only rivaled by her treatment of Denise this season) the she’s close to dying comment was pure vindictiveness and a very harmful lie. The single fake tear remains iconic.
I love Kyle running from the restaurant in Amsterdam. It’s probably my all time favorite housewives GIF.

Kim was good value and I think ultimately the show did her good and helped her sober up. It’s just (un)fortunate that we had to watch her struggles and relapses. I also sympathize with Kyle because it must not be easy being the sister of a hot mess addict.

On the other hand, I find Lisa Rinna during the whole bunny affair to be monstrous (only rivaled by her treatment of Denise this season) the she’s close to dying comment was pure vindictiveness and a very harmful lie. The single fake tear remains iconic.


If you/anybody can find the GIF of Kim's sister FLEEING please post it as I couldn't find it :D
Also, as this is my thread I can feel like I can post what I like (:D)

I was HORRIFIED to discover that Jennifer NJ is apparently a REPUBLICAN despite being from a family that have emigrated to the USA and being a huge champion of GAYS.
This thread is fascinating:

I'm fairly sure however, that she won't be voting TRUMP in 2020. If she does, she can get in the bin and THE CHAMPAGNE LADY from Auckland can take her place in this countdown :disco:
Season 5 of BH is probably my favorite of the series. The limo ride with Rinna and Kim is a classic.

How are you?

i need to REWATCH. This thread has made me realise I've watched SO MUCH Housewives my memory has turned to mush, and Beverley Hills is not a priority :D

New York seasons 7-11 in particular, when the cast HARDLY CHANGES and it's ALL KILLER HARDLY ANY FILLER will be particularly difficult and wikipedia-checked when it comes to
the upper parts of this countdown :o
i did NOT expect stephanie to be the most proven far right of all the housewives! though travis doesn’t surprise me so i guess it makes sense

this countdown is fabulous :disco:

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