My top 32 favourite Real Housewives of ALL TIME: room for MORE? (2 Viewers)

Season 9 of OC is the peak, the way Tamra and Heather gaslit Shannon who’s an extremely neurotic and unstable person. It’s reprehensible yet gold tv.

She’s too shrill for me to actually like her. Every season starts with Shannon storming off and screaming and she took on the bullying the new girls role quote easily. Most notably screaming at dreary Megan King Edmonds “I START CHARITIES”

I am in the camp of her being an alcoholic (the woman drinks straight up vodka at all times of the day) and maybe she’s better but she had a very embarrassing episode during Braunwyn’s vow renewal where she was shitfaced.
And an unpopular opinion, yes David was abusive and there’s no excuse to his behavior. She herself must have been a nightmare to be married to, a neurotic debutante from a rich family who doesn’t know a thing about real life. It must have no been easy.
And an unpopular opinion, yes David was abusive and there’s no excuse to his behavior. She herself must have been a nightmare to be married to, a neurotic debutante from a rich family who doesn’t know a thing about real life. It must have no been easy.

Niche reference, but Shannon and David sort of remind me of Cath and Dom from Nighty Night but make it Housewives :D
I can absolutely see Shannon telling David to "guild her lily" during their extended couples therapy period :D and the funeral scene where Shannon and David write and read out each other's EULOGIES is very similar to when Cath lists every time Dom has ever HURT HER.

Extending on this tangent, Shannon and Vicki here -

has rather similar energy to this?!

Shannon being Cath, Vicki being Jill of course.

and lets revisit the PLATE SCENE because WHY NOT!

Jody Claman (and daughter Mia)

Made a pilgrimage to EVIL JODY'S shop earlier, sadly it wasn't open so I didn't get in to try and meet her or her EVIL DAUGHTER :(


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