Which Mario games are those then dear?
It's just the same IP over and over again with an original every ten years.
You've summed up the video game industry in a nutshell, not just Nintendo.
I'll buy one when we finally get a Waluigi solo game
Their shares have tumbled since the announcement
Think I will wait!
So Zelda is not exclusive to the switch? What are they hoping to do? Revive the Wii U?
@straightorbroken what did you think?
Gameseek have been teasing selling the multi coloured version at £198 again, which seems like a great deal, but the likelihood of actually getting one is probably limited
This is it. I do like the idea of it, but I imagine it'll play out like it did with me for the Wii. Get it mid generation, play all the games I wanted in 3-4 months, sell it and never think about it again.The problem is that it's almost certain to have no games. Mario. Zelda. Mario Kart. Mario Paint. Mario Tennis. Mario Wheelchair Tennis. Mario Paint.