Patti LuPone is fabulous (1 Viewer)


May 2, 2004
Audio from a recent show ("it" starts at around the 45 second mark)

I don't even know who this bitch IS but she's a big Broadway name APPARENTLY


I would actually be really annoyed if this happened at a show I was at... annoyed at the performer that is. Just GET ON WITH IT :Oi:
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i only know her from will&grace to be honest, but she was quite amusing in one of the episodes
Patti LuPone is a LEGEND. And she is dead right, if I were on stage performing and some cunts were flashing away I'd be furious too.

Tori Amos did it too:

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Miss Patti's at it again :disco:

Broadway seems to be on the verge of a full-scale meltdown of theater etiquette – but one star is determined not to stand for it.

Just a few days after an audience member climbed on stage before the Booth Theater performance of Hand to God to plug his phone into a fake power point on the set, actor Patti LuPone drew the line at texting during a play.

On Wednesday night, the Grammy and Tony award-winning stage star, frustrated by an audience member texting during Shows for Days, snatched the phone out of the woman’s hands and took it backstage.

Several witnesses hailed LuPone’s actions.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Without breaking character, Patti LuPone snatched a rude woman's phone and walked offstage at Shows for Days tonight. Will they never learn.</p>&mdash; Diane Snyder (@DianeLSnyder) <a href="">July 9, 2015</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">PATTI LUPONE TOOK SOMEONE'S PHONE MID-SHOW BECAUSE THEY WERE TEXTING</p>&mdash; Travis (@heytravistravis) <a href="">July 9, 2015</a></blockquote>
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“Patti Lupone is my hero. I strive to be cool enough to grab a cell out of someone’s hands while I’m performing one day,” tweeted voice actor Gina Dz.

LuPone is famous for not tolerating rudeness during shows. In 2008, she stopped a performance of Gypsy mid-show to yell at an audience member for taking pictures.

For Patti LuPone, it was “the day from hell, all day.”

At Wednesday’s matinee of the Douglas Carter Beane comedy “Shows for Days,” in which Ms. LuPone plays a small-town theater diva, four cellphones went off, twice from the same phone. It created, as Ms. LuPone put it, “a cacophony of noise.”

So Ms. LuPone was on edge by the evening performance at the Mitzi E. Newhouse Theater. And when the woman seated at the end of the second row texted — and texted and texted — during the show, Ms. LuPone took action. Without breaking character, Ms. LuPone walked into the audience and took the woman’s phone. “She didn’t know what was going on,” Ms. LuPone said in a phone interview on Thursday. “I should be a sleight of hand artist.” (The phone was returned after the show.)

The incident comes on the heels of recent theatrical breaches of audience conduct at “Hand to God,” on Broadway (for an incursion onto the set), and “Hamilton” (for texting) at the Public Theater. Still reeling from Wednesday’s events, Ms. LuPone — who stopped a performance of “Gypsy” in 2009 to berate someone who was taking photographs — talked about the frustration of having to police theatrical etiquette. Following are edited excerpts from the conversation.

Q. So what happened Wednesday night?

A. This woman — a very pretty young woman — was sitting with her boyfriend or husband. We could see her text. She was so uninterested. She showed her husband what she was texting. We talked about it at intermission. When we went out for the second act I was very close to her, and she was still texting. I watched her and thought, “What am I going to do?” At the very end of that scene, we all exit. What I normally do is shake the hand of the people in the front row. I just walked over to her, shook her hand and took her phone. I walked offstage and handed it to the stage manager, who gave it to the house manager.

Q. How did the rest of the cast react?

A. Everybody is deeply upset by it. How can you not be distressed by this? Everybody is freaked out.

Q. If you could see it, then the rest of the audience probably could, too. It takes one screen to disrupt an entire theater.

A. I don’t know why they buy the ticket or come to the theater if they can’t let go of the phone. It’s controlling them. They can’t turn it off and can’t stop looking at it. They are truly inconsiderate, self-absorbed people who have no public manners whatsoever. I don’t know what to do anymore. I was hired as an actor, not a policeman of the audience.

Q. How did the audience react when you took her phone?

A. They got it. She was totally seen texting because she was in light. Some people gasped when I took the phone. Some people applauded.

Q. In a statement you released you said, “I am so defeated by this issue that I seriously question whether I want to work onstage anymore.” Is that true?

A. Absolutely. It’s getting worse. I’m hired to tell a story, and it takes a lot of effort and work to do that convincingly. It’s a handful of people who destroy that experience for everyone. It’s heartbreaking. Theater is not a social event.
Thinking more about what Patti had to say, if this woman was sat at the end of the row, why didn't one of the theatre staff talk to her at some point in the first act, or even wait for the intermission warning her she'd be thrown out if she carried on?
I'm shocked that self proclaimed theatre queen dUb didn't know who Patti Lupone is.
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I'm shocked that self proclaimed theatre queen dUb didn't know who Patti Lupone is.


Bit disappointed in his phone-tolerant opinion too. People who text in theatres and cinemas are the absolute worst. I have a friend who's chronic for it and I try to avoid seeing things with her because it winds me up so much.
LOVING the last two posts in this thread.

People who ruin plays and musicals and concerts with their phone-habits or general decrepitude is a huge bugbear of mine. At bjork there was this awful brown lesbian who had a FULL ON CONVERSATION with her mates behind my at bjork. And despite being asked politely OVER and OVER to be a little more considerate, she wouldn't. Cos of COURSE, she was the biggest bjork fan there. :daf:
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Good on her. It's awful at the cinema but it's just beyond rude at the theatre. Lots of Broadway stars have commented on it happening at their shows on Twitter recently, so it's obviously getting worse.
This woman sounds like she takes herself way too seriously

If it's getting worse just have a private snigger about how idiotic these people are for wasting their money and GET ON WITH IT.
I think it's extremely annoying when you're acting on stage and you see a light pop out in the audience. Same reason they don't allow photography. You have to respect the actors on stage if you're going to a theatre.
(Jark) Don't you think having your phone out is disrespectful to the rest of the audience, who have also paid for their ticket and having their experience spoiled?

I think this is something people NEED to be shamed for, or it'll just get worse. The man who jumped onto the stage at a show last week to charge his phone (not realising the outlet was part of the set ie FAKE) is the one that really beggars belief for me :D
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The woman who took a photo of Keira Knightley in The Children's Hour was forcibly pounced by theatre staff as soon as the interval started. I was hoping they'd waterboard her up on the stage as a warning to other people, but they just went through her phone and made her delete the photos and escorted her out.

It is fucking rude but theatres do need to make it absolutely clear that PLEASE TURN YOUR PHONES OFF means not just on silent, and explain that the glow of the screen is distracting and anyone using their phone will be asked to leave at a convenient moment in time. Or just dragged out if they're in an aisle seat.
When I've been to the frightfest film festival anybody who even dares have their phone on after the lights have gone down for the film get such a torrent of ABUSE from the rest of the audience they're sometimes shamed into leaving the theatre :D it's quite terrifying.
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It's a whole lot worse in the era of smartphones. Going back a few years you could probably get away without inconveniencing perhaps a few people around you (not that I'd condone it then), but it's pretty much like playing with a small torch now.

I agree it ought to be policed more by theatre staff, although I quite favour the approach of everyone around them pointing at said offender and chanting 'OUT! OUT! OUT!' at them.
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The guy who tried to charge his phone onstage is clearly one of the worst human beings on the planet.

The audience member who jumped on stage to charge his phone at a Broadway show has finally given his reason: “Girls were calling all day. What would you do?”

Nick Silvestri, a 19-year-old student from Seaford, New York, angered audience members and actors alike by jumping on to the stage at a performance of the puppet-themed hit Hand to God, only to find out that the charger he tried to use was fake. Silvestri was in town with family, neighbors and cousins and had had a few drinks before the show.

“We were a little banged up,” he told

Silvestri had tried to charge his phone before the play, he said, while eating dinner at Iron Bar on Eighth Avenue and 45th Street, but was reprimanded by the manager. When he finished dinner he had 5% battery power left.

He arrived at the play and was seated in the orchestra section when he saw the prop outlet on stage.

“I saw the outlet and ran for it,” he said. “That was the only outlet I saw, so I thought, ‘Why not?’ I was thinking that they were probably going to plug something in there on the set, and I figured it wouldn’t be a big deal if my phone was up there too.”

Silvestri, who has been nicknamed the Broadway “Juice Jackal”, was immediately reprimanded. Security guards approached, so he jumped off the stage. When he asked if he could go back and get his phone, they retrieved it for him.

Chris York, who was sitting in the mezzanine section of the Booth Theater, told the Guardian people first thought Silvestri’s stunt might be part of the show. Once it became clear it wasn’t, they started laughing and heckling him. The pre-show music was stopped and an announcement was made prohibiting audience members from charging their phones on the stage.

Silvestri returned to his seat and received a final scolding.

“The head guy came down and started yelling at me in front of my family and the whole place,” he said. “My mother kept saying, ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry,’ and they finally let us us stay and watch the play.”

Silvestri received numerous tweets after his name was released by He was retweeting and responding to many of them.

When asked what he would say to the cast of Hand to God if he could, Silvestri didn’t seem too remorseful.

“Hey, I’m sorry if I delayed your show five minutes,” he said. “But you got a lot of attention from this, so maybe I made your show a little better [known].”

In fact, Silvestri said, when a friend first sent him a Facebook post titled “Moron jumps on stage”, he thought it was “hilarious”.
(Jark) Don't you think having your phone out is disrespectful to the rest of the audience, who have also paid for their ticket and having their experience spoiled?
It's disrespectful. It's not the end of the world. If I was in the audience and someone was texting I doubt if I'd care that much and if I was on stage I would just get on with doing what I'm paid to do. She sounds hysterical though. "Everybody is so freaked out about it." Really though? ARE THEY?
Well I for one am shocked to discover that Jark hasn't spent much time watching legitimate theatre.

Bit disappointed in his phone-tolerant opinion too. People who text in theatres and cinemas are the absolute worst. I have a friend who's chronic for it and I try to avoid seeing things with her because it winds me up so much.

To be fair, it was an opinion that was stated more than six years ago. It could have easily changed since.
Being reminded of MS. Lupone's reading of Rainbow High is never a bad thing :disco:

Also, ON TOPIC, I don't have much of an issue with people doing it in the cinema, though I've had to sit through people MAKE PHONE CALLS in the cinema before, so maybe I've just become used to it. A theatre is a different story though because it can easily put someone off and you're paying a lot more money to see it (usually) so surely you can just WAIT to look at your bloody phone.

Also that asshole who jumped on stage to charge his phone deserves the torrent of abuse, you'd think his life depended on his having his phone on.
I really can't deal with it in the cinema, it draws my eye immediately and I can't concentrate on the screen at all :(
Knowing he jumped on stage before the show started and not actually during the performance makes his behaviour seem a little less worse, but he's still dreadful.

When I saw Flarepath a few years ago there's a scene (SPOILER ALERT) where Sheridan Smith's husband is presumed dead after his plane crashes and James Purejoy reads out the letter he's left for her. Someone's phoned went off so he stopped and paused for it to stop ringing and went back to the start of the letter. Then the phone started ringing again and he stopped again. Sheridan got the giggles at that point and really had to focus to get herself back in the zone. (SPOILER ALERT) The husband didn't die after all, the plan crashed in the sea and he swam to safety.
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I just don't understand what's so difficult about turning your phone off for 2-3 hours. I mean it's not like you're being forced to be there.

Cinema is annoying enough but if you're watching a blockbuster with a room full of kids and teenagers it's (sadly) probably a lost cause trying to police it. The theatre and small concerts are so much more intimate though, it's INCREDIBLY rude and ignorant and I absolutely think there should be a zero-tolerance policy. If it's distracting the performer - as it obviously was Ms Lupone and the actors in Sharla's anecdote above - then on some level it's reducing the quality of the performance for everybody in the room.
It's disrespectful. It's not the end of the world. If I was in the audience and someone was texting I doubt if I'd care that much and if I was on stage I would just get on with doing what I'm paid to do. She sounds hysterical though. "Everybody is so freaked out about it." Really though? ARE THEY?

you are distracting someone from doing "what they are paid to do" properly. have some respect
you are distracting someone from doing "what they are paid to do" properly. have some respect

I personally am not!

But if a professional can't rise above someone looking at their phone screen thats their problem.
How about all of the other people in the audience? I sat next to some cow on her phone the entire time in a theatre a few months ago, and we had the top price seats. It was extremely annoying. Seriously what's the point in paying to see a show when you're not actually watching it?
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Quite. It's disrespectful and distracting to pretty much everyone there.
I'd never condone murdering someone for phone use in a cinema, but I hope the grieving widow has come to terms with her husband's actions being ultimately responsible for his death.

Warning: Daily Mail link

http://www.STOP FUNDING
I’m loving Patti’s current era, doing interviews from her kitchen

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Also still hates Glenn Close

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Ooh I've been on a right MAD PATTI kick lately. This is an incredible performance.

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