PJ Harvey - general discussion (new vinyl reissues) (1 Viewer)

These reissues are helping me appreciate Uh Huh Her a lot more. It's always been the Polly album (Hope Six and side project aside) I've connected to the LEAST.
The demos have really helped reveal some of the TUNES under the production and guitars of the main album. I may even PREFER It :D

Uh Huh Her is an odd one for me. I've never really understood the character Polly was trying to express through the album, where as every single other album makes total sense for me. The FLICKY HAIR from the period really didn't help either :D
The Sundays I was going to do all had stuff scheduled on them so I was going to choose a Sunday after all the Eurovision stuff is over, not that Eurovision and PJ Harvey is going to be too much of a crossover! It’s going to be a user friendly intro rather than oddities in the vaults kind of thing so if anyone wants to do a album listen before feel free but I will do this.
Picked this up in my local Tesco last night, was surprised to see it there. I know we probably have more to say about Polly than most journalists but couldn’t resist a magazine all about her.

Picked this up in my local Tesco last night, was surprised to see it there. I know we probably have more to say about Polly than most journalists but couldn’t resist a magazine all about her.

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Ooh, I'll have a wee look for that.

Has anyone scored the White Chalk demos? I've bought all the new demos albums so far so it's very likely I'll bag this as well but just curious...
Listening to the Hope Demolition SIX Project - Demos vinyl this morning and I think the whole thing is finally starting to 'click' for me.

Still my least fave QoP album.
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Orlam is the product of six years’ intense writing. It is not only a remarkable coming-of-age tale, but the first full-length book written in the Dorset dialect for many decades. Orlam also reveals PJ Harvey as not only one of the most talented songwriters of the age, but a gifted poet – whose formal skill, transforming eye and ear for the lyric line has produced a strange and moving poem like no other. Orlam comes with a facing-page English translation, so readers can follow the richness and subtlety of the original poem with ease.

Nine-year-old Ira-Abel Rawles lives on Hook Farm in the village of Underwhelem. Next to the farm is Gore Woods, Ira’s sanctuary, overseen by Orlam, the all-seeing lamb’s eyeball who is Ira-Abel’s guardian and protector. Here, drawing on the rituals, children’s songs, chants and superstitions of the rural West Country of England, Ira-Abel creates the twin realm through which she can make sense of an increasingly confusing and frightening world.

Orlam follows Ira and the inhabitants of Underwhelem month-by-month through the last year of her childhood innocence. The result is a poem-sequence of light and shadow – suffused with hints of violence, sexual confusion and perversion, the oppression of family, but also ecstatic moments in sunlit clearings, song and bawdy humour. The broad theme is ultimately one of love – carried by Ira’s personal Christ, the constantly bleeding soldier-ghost Wyman-Elvis, who bears ‘The Word’: Love Me Tender.

ORLAM is out today :eyes:

She did let slip in a recent interview that she has a new album out next year, saying “I’m really pleased with it - and I’m my own harshest critic.” :disco:
ORLAM is out today :eyes:

She did let slip in a recent interview that she has a new album out next year, saying “I’m really pleased with it - and I’m my own harshest critic.” :disco:
She normally only decides she hates everything after it’s been released though. She is hard on herself, to quote Aimee

“Critics at their worst could never criticize
The way that you do”
Queen is making us wait for the special edition with illustrations in October though. So I might have to go with a kindle version until then.
I’m off to Waterstones in a minute to check oh dear
Did you get it? I see evil Amazon have it at £12.21 (Moopy link available).

I was a bit taken aback to discover Orlam is an all seeing sheep’s eyeball.

The synopsis includes “The result is a poem-sequence of light and shadow – suffused with hints of violence, sexual confusion and perversion, the oppression of family, but also ecstatic moments in sunlit clearings, song and bawdy humour. The broad theme is ultimately one of love – carried by Ira’s personal Christ, the constantly bleeding soldier-ghost Wyman-Elvis, who bears ‘The Word’: Love Me Tender.” Business as usual then.

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