Post an INSANE music fact (1 Viewer)

This is a real fact, and to me most baffling; Celine was only 29 when My Heart Will Go On was released.
Rihanna is actually Rhianna, after her debut single 'Oh Baby' flopped, she created a new alter ego, had a few hits and the rest is history.
(actual true fact and not actually that Insane :D)

Wendy Moten is currently on The Voice US, and has reached the top 24, crushing the dreams of young fresh talent along the way in a morbid attempt to revive her career. :disco:
Like that one about Cleopatra and the Pyramids! Something like the gap between the Pyramids and Cleopatra is larger than the gap between Cleopatra and the modern day. Mad. :o

(sorry for derailing thread @ZenGiraffe)

I really don’t think YOU were the one who derailed this thread :D
I did enjoy the Pop Facts thread back in the day. I would post my 2 favourite that I remember, but that MIGHT be because I posted them, I can’t remember
Despite receiving all the 12s, Hero by Charlotte Perrelli’s points were miscalculated due to a Russian cyber attack

Shockingly the same would go on to happen for the following entries:

any even slightly gay pop banger fronted by a female artist
Like that one about Cleopatra and the Pyramids! Something like the gap between the Pyramids and Cleopatra is larger than the gap between Cleopatra and the modern day. Mad. :o

(sorry for derailing thread @ZenGiraffe)

We're further away from The Beatles' "Anthology" now than we were from the Beatles' actual career when Anthology was shown on television.
Although an actual fact is that Flatline was released closer to Push the Button than the present day
ABBA are a creative figment of the Moopy Eurovision Forum. No such artist actually has ever existed, and no person in the real world has ever heard of them.
Like that one about Cleopatra and the Pyramids! Something like the gap between the Pyramids and Cleopatra is larger than the gap between Cleopatra and the modern day. Mad. :o

(sorry for derailing thread @ZenGiraffe)

Yes exactly that! (Posted about it a while ago)
It's only 3 periods between the Spice Girls debut and now since the end of World War II.
The London Boys (dead now of course ) we’re actually from Scunthorpe and never made it to the capital
Every band starting with the word "The" actually share something in common - it's a prisoners solidarity mark, from jailtime they've served.
I've just discovered a REAL ONE :shock: after mentioning my childhood crush on Maggie from On The Up in the sitcom thread yesterday, I've just got an email about cheap tickets to see her live, and it says she sang the Red Dwarf theme tune :disco:

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