Real Housewives of Miami (1 Viewer)

Apparently they're all back for season 5, and filming soon, if not already.

Not sure why they asked Guerdy back. I'm pretty sure the only time she was spoken to at the reunion was about her hot husband.

Larsa essential to this show. In a reunion during which she mentioned getting half of everything in a divorce, and that her $10,000 per day income from Only Fans has actually increased since the show aired, her response to Andy's 'hopes for the future' question was... more money. Truly the American nightmare :disco:
Oh wow, great that a season 5 is taking place! What a ludicrous fever dream to have this back in production :D

On balance I really enjoyed this season, and it's great they've gotten another season as they will clearly build on foundations/bonds formed this season.
At best it's given me classic New York dynamic vibes, but it's not quite consistent enough YET.
Hayu are apparently advertising the new season on GRINDR in the UK :D they certainly know their audience :D

I've read that we should get the first FOUR (!) episodes of season 5 this week, which actually seems way too much for me to find the time to consume right now, but very kind of them.

On balance I enjoyed the last season, and I'm interested to see how they build on relationships formed in it.
At it's best it gave me classic NEW YORK vibes, and Alexia had some really compelling solo moments. There was an obvious disconnect between the old and new school however that they've hopefully managed to merge together for season 5.

Let us also not forget the Miami gals are thirsty as HELL and will do ANYTHING to not get put on pause again :disco:
Hayu are apparently advertising the new season on GRINDR in the UK :D they certainly know their audience :D

I've read that we should get the first FOUR (!) episodes of season 5 this week, which actually seems way too much for me to find the time to consume right now, but very kind of them.

On balance I enjoyed the last season, and I'm interested to see how they build on relationships formed in it.
At it's best it gave me classic NEW YORK vibes, and Alexia had some really compelling solo moments. There was an obvious disconnect between the old and new school however that they've hopefully managed to merge together for season 5.

Let us also not forget the Miami gals are thirsty as HELL and will do ANYTHING to not get put on pause again :disco:

Oh apparently I already basically said this just two posts up WHOOPS! :D
Is it back already? Where is the promo?

I hate how the peacock shows just drop episodes randomly. Hayu will only do 2 episodes so then that creates a weird lag.
Well this is not coming out till March 2023 here so they can fuck right off
Holy shit that hot mic moment. He really hates her :D

Larsa remains the worst. But this is a fun season, I feel like these women know what they signed up for and are here to work.
The scene where Lisa admitted her marriage was failing - "I'm not well" and how the other women reacted just felt so REAL (which is ironic for a franchise called REAL Housewives :D ). Beverly Hills season 1&2 levels of dark.

Obsessed with Larsa finally too? She has just CLICKED. Queen @Will described her earlier in this thread as "truly the American nightmare" and it's such a fantastic and valid description. The vapidness. The baby-voice. The COMPLETELY different head she has gained since season 1. I like that she's actually engaging with the show this season, rather then the season 4 Larsa that seemed a bit checked out. Who knew that Larsa and Lisa had an iconic frenemy-ship bubbling??

Kiki needs to be bumped up to full time. I'm obsessed, and intrigued by her and need to know more. The other women clearly prefer her to Guerdy and Nicole too, as she fits into the group so much more naturally.

Marysol making her being an alcoholic LOL her entire personality really is rather troubling, but she's also essential to the show and it would lose so much without the season 4&5 version of her being there.

I'm also amazed at Alexia's ascent to becoming the main character, and how it just makes so much natural sense. The show is so much better without Lea Black being part of it. She clearly just dominated and STIFLED everything.
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And from what I remember Alexia was a bit dull in seasons 1/2. It’s amazing what the death of a gay husband does of a woman.

Also Guerdy (who’s only slightly above Larsa for me) made me raise my eyebrow when she was like “I’m not divorced yet”. Is she dumping the hot fireman?
And from what I remember Alexia was a bit dull in seasons 1/2. It’s amazing what the death of a gay husband does of a woman.

I've been revisiting 2&3 recently, and the potential was always THERE for Alexia (and she had a rough/difficult season 2 with her sons accident) - but having another alpha like Lea Black on the cast really just meant there wasn't enough space for Alexia to truly flourish.

The season 3 scenes of Lea and Adriana arguing in the house, the rain and then the house AGAIN like a couple of DROWNED RATS is deliciously camp though. Straight out of Dynasty.
Lea Black making sure she got the line "she can't even AFFORD a CAR!" on camera :D
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Guerdy is getting kinda irritating now. Even her embellished quirkiness, which was perhaps the sole enjoyable trait of hers that we'd seen on this show, is losing all its charm when you see it alongside Kiki's adorable (and genuine) quirkiness.

Facetiming her husband on camera and asking him to explain himself for Lenny's behaviour... :goodgrief:
Marysol sitting in Alexia’s lap with her sunglasses and eye mask :D

This season is firing on all cylinders. I’m ready to declare it a classic.

I even warmed up a tiny bit to Larsa when she took the phone from all the crazies and was like let’s talk serious later to Lisa (who’s just hopeless).
Martina has been diagnosed with throat and breast cancer.
After all the buzz about how iconic this season has been
I've decided to start this from S1 Episode 1
Is that the correct decision?
I think that at this point it's the only RH series I've not seen!
So um -

How have I been sitting on this one for years? I'm 5 episodes into S1 and living.

Who's Adriana? WHO'S SHE?

It's for CHARITY.

She was dancing with two guys at 2am?

The art gallery drama!

The SHARITY event drama

So um -

How have I been sitting on this one for years? I'm 5 episodes into S1 and living.

Who's Adriana? WHO'S SHE?

It's for CHARITY.

She was dancing with two guys at 2am?

The art gallery drama!

The SHARITY event drama


Just wait for S2, one of the best housewives seasons across all franchises and S5, which is currently airing, is absolutely top notch too!
Are none of you watching this season?? One of the BEST Housewives seasons of ALL TIME, I never want it to END!

Adrianna going FULLY UNHINGED the last couple of episodes has been utterly jaw-dropping. The IMPACT that Frankie comment had, I had to rewind to be sure she actually said it. Flabbergasted. And inevitably Alexia now running with it and destroying ALL GOODWILL with TWO SCENES :D I hate her, she's ALWAYS wrong yet Alexia is one of the best Housewives currently standing. A masterclass in how to do BEING WRONG RIGHT!

And Lisa the immigrant :( So much to say on such a gripping and dramatic reality TV moment. The Lea Black scene KILLED ME! Still the same frizzy-haired harpy as EVER but this time with piles of absolute TAT on display that she's desperately trying to flog :D and in a scene about a CRUMBLING MARRIAGE! Utterly distasteful, utterly messy, utterly MIAMI :disco:

Honestly girls, if you aren't watching you aren't doing Housewives!!
I haven’t watched this week’s episode yet but Adrianna in the wheel chair with the squeaky wheel sound was just hilarious.

This week Adriana has confessional where she admits she only has a few friends and a year of alimony left until she's FLAT BROKE and no idea what to do.
It's a brief but haunting moment, and also kind of early OC levels of foreshadowing possible financial tragedy to come (and also WAY DEEPER than a Friend Of would usually get).
Also I LOVE the new Marysol. Fans online complaining that a Housewife* is CAMP and DRUNK? NEVER!
She has the best confessionals of any franchise this year sorry but also not sorry.

Replace Guerdy with Kiki too! I wanna know MORE!

*(well friend of)
I think Kiki is good as a friend of, a funny quip here and there.

The fans are stupid, the love for Nicole is way too much (yes that disinvite through a mirror was iconic but let’s keep things in perspective). I like the duo of Alexia and Marysol, they’re dummies but they provide good fun.

Audriana has a very modern day Blanche Dubois air to her since the show returned, the husband left her, the money has run out and you can see on her face that she’s not doing well. She’s past her prime and she can’t hook another rich guy.
Audriana has a very modern day Blanche Dubois air to her since the show returned, the husband left her, the money has run out and you can see on her face that she’s not doing well. She’s past her prime and she can’t hook another rich guy.

This is such a good (and accurate!) description that hadn't even crossed my mind :D Honestly the remaining OGs are the backbone of Miami (including Larsa!).
I really hope they don't add Lea Black back in next season. I don't mind a few cameos but as a cast member she'd trample over everything.

Dr Nicole I like, but I agree the fans are doing too much and it could backfire next season if she buys into it too much. She's had a couple of very memorable moments - but outside the mirror invite and black Amex I can't remember a single other thing she's done this season.
Adriana breaking down and revealing the uncomfortable reality of her life and the uncertainty of her future felt like a direct plea to producers to make her full-time next season and give her the cheque that comes with it - which she so obviously needs.

I remember reading when Miami first came back that Adriana and Marysol weren't made full-time because they weren't prepared to allow the required level of access into their personal lives. That confessional with Adriana we had a few weeks back was her request to re-open negotiations.

I hope she gets that full-time status next season. And that's from a place of both compassion and as a reality TV viewer - because whatever's going on with Adriana when she gets home from filming with the group, it seems like it's a story that the show would benefit from telling.
I feel bad for her but I’m also glad that Marysol did not accept her apology.

I also decided that I really dislike Guerdy. There’s something very fake about her, she’s a bad actress.
I also decided that I really dislike Guerdy. There’s something very fake about her, she’s a bad actress.

Completely. It's as if when she got hired for the show, she convinced herself that she needed to act a certain way, but didn't know what way that was, so decided to try a few different characters, ramping the performance up for each one in the hope of making it stick cos that's what's supposed to happen, right, and oh my God just stop!

I hope she can return to being her normal self once she's off the show. That husband's beautiful face is showing ever-diminishing signs of patience as each episode progresses.
Adriana breaking down and revealing the uncomfortable reality of her life and the uncertainty of her future felt like a direct plea to producers to make her full-time next season and give her the cheque that comes with it - which she so obviously needs.

I remember reading when Miami first came back that Adriana and Marysol weren't made full-time because they weren't prepared to allow the required level of access into their personal lives. That confessional with Adriana we had a few weeks back was her request to re-open negotiations.

I hope she gets that full-time status next season. And that's from a place of both compassion and as a reality TV viewer - because whatever's going on with Adriana when she gets home from filming with the group, it seems like it's a story that the show would benefit from telling.

Ugh @Will I live for your posts and analysis. A Housewife in decline would be such a fascinating storyline - give Adriana that mojito!!
I thought it was interesting both Adriana and Marysol got final episode on-screen write ups. The first time I've ever seen Friends Of acknowledged like that? Basically production agreeing that they were both backdoor-Housewives this season along with the 6 mojito holders.

Thankfully Miami has already been green-lit for season 6 :disco: and is due to start filming next month, which I'm assuming means everybody will be back due to the speed of it all :disco:
Ideally I'd be happy for them to expand the cast to 7, adding Adriana full-time and switching Geurdy with Kiki.
OMG this first reunion episode?? :D
Has a reunion been more chaotic since Miami season 2/3?
Larsa/Guerdy interrupting every 5 seconds with something irrelevant, Adriana's print-outs for Andy, Alexia just absolutely KAMIKAZI-ING herself at every single opportunity - the whole thing was just hysterical to watch. I could have easily watched Part 2 immediately after, I was INVESTED.
More dazzling twirls to show off the back of your outfit pls Alexia :disco:

I'm presuming this season has been a smash ratings-wise. Andy mentioned it doing well several times, and that it's going straight back into production really bodes well :disco:
If New York had to be stolen from us by the Bravo gods, thank COUNTESS LUANN we had Miami back to fill that LARGE and CHAOTIC GAP.
I haven’t watched the reunion yet but they’ve always been chaotic. The season 1 reunion which can’t be found now was a live WWHL episode (what were they thinking :D). Disastrous doesn’t come close.
What a great start to the reunion. What a bunch of crazy fucks. This season is a classic.
I wrote a letter from your LIVER :D :D that was camp

THIS MOMENT :disco: so obsessed! The first time I watched it I was legitimately JAW-DROPPED, and then I watched it about TEN TIMES OVER

Such utterly unhinged early season energy! Alexia's SLOW PAN face to Marysol :D A moment that will go down in Housewives history.

I really feel both Adriana (in particular) and Marysol have been done dirty by not being main cast this season (even if they essentially ARE main cast). Adriana was basically the MAIN CHARACTER along with Lisa and Alexia :D

Anyway, an incredible reunion, an incredible season and an incredible cast. This might be the first Housewives season I happily re-watch since the glory days of NYC.
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I’ve only watched series 1 and I’m impatient. Can I dive straight into 5 or do I need to go watch 2-4?

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