Real Housewives of Salt Lake City (1 Viewer)

Demote Whitney (who’s done precisely nothing apart from hate Lisa) and give Britani her snowflake :disco:
slightly obsessed with Bronwyn, which has been a character study on how to earn your main cast placing; ie GET THAT SNOWFLAKE:

  • The wardrobe she bought to ensure focus could be pulled back onto her in every scene
  • the mini cast trip she organised in order to buy the affection of the majority of the cast- leaving her direct rival for that snowflake Britani behind :disco:
  • auditioning Heather for a place on said trip and then not inviting her to keep the alpha dog at bay as she squeezed as much good will as possible from the others during the trip :disco: by the time they returned the majority were Team Bronywn leaving Heather no choice but to SUBMIT!
  • turning on everyone at some point because the wind blew in a particular direction, only to then realise she’d taken it too far and solving this by crying
  • making faces at everyone everytime Britani said anything to chip away at any potential good feeling towards her
  • seeing Britani about to potentially have a moment on the boat and rushing in with her infidelity storyline to take that focus right back to her
  • valiantly throwing her marriage under the bus to ensure a season 2 follow-up - single and ready to mingle, free from the shackles of Todd :disco: (with 50% of his money)
It is all very Single White Female and I cannot help but rave. She also uses her platform to help promote less well-known charities, all in all creating quite the irresistible package in this new top-tier housewife.
I love confessing “I FUCK” after basically telling anyone who will listen you’re dating 10 or so guys
That finale was one for the books! The way I burst out laughing at Angie’s text about Brownwyn which was so harsh but hilarious.

I genuinely would put this as one of the best seasons of housewives ever which considering the show has been going for c19 years is some feat! Let’s hope they bring it at the reunion.
Word on the street that everyone will be back in the same capacity.

And quite right too

At the end of every series I always feel these girls hate each other SO MUCH that it just can't possibly continue the way it is, but every new season, they're all always back. As one of the most consistent HW series I totally get why they need to keep it that way.

Britani is going to come back and flop so hard. She'll be so aware at how thick she is and play up to it way too much.

S5 ranking!

1. Angie
2. Mary
3. Bronwyn
4. Lisa
5. Heather
6. Whitney
7. Meredith
8. Britani

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