Real Housewives of Salt Lake City (1 Viewer)

Based on S5, I would rank them:

01. Angie
02. Mary
03. Lisa
04. Bronwyn
05. Britani
06. Meredith
07. Whitney
08. Heather
Does Heather even really have a storyline? She’s a bit of an imposter, a fan that made it on to the show - the Jedi side to Monica’s Sith side. The way she behaved on RHUGT was embarrassing, a real housewive like Ramona or Teresa wouldn’t read another Housewives book (especially Leah McSweenys!).
1. Bronwyn
2. Angie
3. Mary
4. Meredith
5. Whitney
6. Lisa (sorry not sorry she was not IT this season for me)
7. Britani
8. Heather
Feels a bit gross RANKING WOMEN but here we are.

1. Angie
2. Bronwyn
3. Whitney
4. Mary
5. Britani - make her a full housewife for maximum chaos
6. Meredith
7. Heather
8. Lisa - but you know I love to hate her. Whitney was totally right - she WAS the villain all along!

Some of the "originals" really fell off a cliff, but fortunately their supporting cast gave EVERYTHING
Messy thirsty high body count-haired secretly recording bad Mormon Britani must stay as the agent of chaos of course

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