Rise of tubeless toilet paper a ‘complete catastrophe’, says Blue Peter star

I think Peter Pervert is coming across as a low grade gammon. He's not quite there, he needs to blame Greta somehow.

Also I'm not sure how a cardboard free loo roll is going to make too much difference to a product which is totally paper. I recycle them anyway.
I’ve not been in for years in fairness, I just vaguely recall being able to buy cardboard tubes.

I was always shit at the makes from Blue Peter anyway. My Ninja Turtle sewer lair looked like a child trying to depict a stroke using only sticky back plastic.
I'm shit at arts and crafts. Well I'm not, I just don't really care. I have fond memories of Anthea Turner's third most iconic exploit - Tracey Island.
Didn’t read the article, I’m not opposed to the idea but how are they supposed to fit into their ”handle” or is there still a hole in the middle?
I'm now down a Blue Peter rabbit hole. Valerie Singleton has previously denied fucking Joan Armatrading and Janet Ellis was sacked for giving birth to another child that wasn't SEB, which is fair. There's also the dead 80s gay.
How would you rate them on the catastrophe scale? 0 being Jyxz impaling himself, 5 being 9/11 and 10 being Boyz.

I’d say a 1 - better than running out of toilet roll, and art that requires old loo roll tubes is inherent rubbish
Am I misunderstanding? This is about ONE toilet paper company changing to tubeless - or is there a bog roll monopoly in the UK now?

It’s not like the industry deciding that toilet roll tubes are going to be BANNED
Growing up, we topped our Christmas tree with a Barbie in a wedding dress and tiara whose lower half had been replaced with a toilet roll tube.

Growing up, we topped our Christmas tree with a Barbie in a wedding dress and tiara whose lower half had been replaced with a toilet roll tube.

Ah, the well known ‘Bucket Fanny Barbie’.

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