Got a Robyn online! PHEW!
Sold out in mine...Just trying to find the Shakespear's Sister 12"- EIGHTEEN NINETY NINE! FOR A TWELVE INCH!
Jesus, we're mugs...
I’m amazed more gay interest acts don’t try and milk RSD a bit harder. Robyn has certainly COTTONED ON over the past few years.
Was the Robyn vinyl really only 1000 odd copies?
Either demand was pretty low for it, or we've all been HAD.
Was the Robyn vinyl really only 1000 odd copies?
Either demand was pretty low for it, or we've all been HAD.
Robyn seems to have pretty much sold out online now, aside from a few places charging LUDICROUS prices.
So happy to have it (well, I will be when it ARRIVES in the post).
I love the album and this artwork so much. I kind of hope it's the original versions of Robotboy and Bum Like You in spirit of the original version of the album, but I'm sure it will be the UK versions.
Oh that's true - they only have about THREE or FOUR shops, don't they?Surely Rough Trade wouldn’t have ordered that many of ANYTHING?
I think it has more to do with the diminished interest. The stuff that sold out in quick time was always going to sell out in quick time. Everything else had a slower shift.
Drops two and three are minimal, aren't they? I thought it was strange that the majority of stuff was still put into one.