The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (1 Viewer)



You are an evil woman
I am

Erika always gives good trailer lines
Flying in to save another season :disco:
I’ve just reached the episode in season 8 where she slags off Dorit for calling her a cunt which makes me like her even more.
GOD DORIT IS SO ANNOYING. That affected accent, that personaility UGH.
Missing Eileen a bit actually, i’d grown to love her. Erika still amazing and Kyle is still just well THERE
Love Crystal admitting that she’s getting dumber.
I thought this was a good opener. Lots of :ToneNervous: Scenes (Garcelle and her sons, Kyle and Mauricio even Dorit and PK who are officially broken up).

Was Eagle Woman an indigenous person or just a white woman doing new age-y stuff?
I’m enjoying the easier dynamic between the women now that the anti christ has been banished.

Watching Kyle’s marriage slowly fall apart is interesting. Can’t wait for next week’s Sutton’s meltdown.
Not Crystal calling Jeff Lewis a cocksucker :D

She’s so awkward
We’re only two episodes in and I can tell this is going to be a dud of a season. Let’s hope Denise and Camille can bring the goods later on.
We’re only two episodes in and I can tell this is going to be a dud of a season. Let’s hope Denise and Camille can bring the goods later on.

I totally agree. Camille's ability go to from hero to villain in the space of 5 minutes and back around is absolutely unmatched and I need it.
Loved this little throwback. The “Morally Corrupt Faye Resnick” read still has her shook all these years later


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