The Real Housewives of Orange County (1 Viewer)

This was a decent opener. I like the new addition, she’s not an instant flop like the ones before her.

Shanon doing yoga made me laugh.

Also what was that friend that Gina brought to yoga? The black hair with the perm, she looked ridiculous.
Ok, this season is pretty fun and watchable! Tamra turning on her friend so fast she’s leaving skid marks is funny.
Tamra as Gina is stirring shit “yes, I can see how I should be offended. Why yes I will be offended”

Love Heather deciding to battle Taylor.
This is fun. I do love an angry righteous Heather and I’m glad that Taylor didn’t back down.
I'm laminating my Heather Dubrow Stan card, I am loving her this season.
Heather was savage this episode - it was almost giving season 11 Dublin trip. Pretending to be offended at the word 'pedigree' while Taylor was apologetically gushing about her acting background.

Poor Shannon was clearly going through some PTSD in the background, being taken back to the annihilations she received at the hands of Heather in her early seasons.
Yes this season is giving what I need! The cast are giving everything and the storylines are simple but fun. I like new Jen, she's a hot mess but fits in better than Noella (who I really liked but clearly no-one on the cast did).
With Tamra, I'm enjoying having her back for now because the season is currently so good. But I don't know if she's learned anything from last time. You can still see the wheels turning in her head as she tries to think like a producer, and that got *very* grating at the end of her previous run - I was glad to see her go.
Tamra is such a shit stirrer. She just bold face lies to everyone.
The latest episode was a bit dull but next week's like good!

Very happy that Jen is a good Housewife and she is giving :disco:

Kind of want more of hot mess Taylor!
I think Shannon unravels at least 3 times per season. I wouldn’t worry too much.
She doesn't usually break the fourth wall as much as she is at the moment though!

Loving all the references to the "vault" - clearly their code name for things they agree not to speak about on air!
Unfortunately I think Shannon is a bit of an alcoholic with a terrible taste in men. The man abuses her in one way or another, she gets drunk and calls these women and vents and then they bring it up on camera and she loses it.
I don’t think there is a new episode this week :( This is their best season in YEARS! Everyone (except for Gina) is bringing it.
Loved the twist of who was spreading gossip about Shannon’s relationship

Shannon herself whilst blackout drunk :disco:
Shannon to Shannon

It's shaping up to be a classic season with the right balance of drama and fun. I'm enjoying pretty much everything apart from Gina's vocal fry :zombie:
Oh Taylor :bruised:

I haven't quite sunk to OC levels yet. Has she done much of note since she joined the cast? What's the body count?
Oh Taylor :bruised:

I haven't quite sunk to OC levels yet. Has she done much of note since she joined the cast? What's the body count?

No she’s just a friend of. She offended Heather by asking her to be in a movie she’s in (which sounds like a money laundering scheme) without going through her agent.
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