Ultimate Girls Trip 3: Thailand (1 Viewer)

What a random cast, clearly a lot of people have dropped out to have Leah who is not even a housewife anymore, and Marysol who is just a friend of :D
Marysol was by all intents a housewife on miami and carried that season. There are 3 iconic (Marysol, Karen, Gizelle), 3 good (Heather, Whitney, Alexia) and a dud (Leah).
Marysol was by all intents a housewife on miami and carried that season. There are 3 iconic (Marysol, Karen, Gizelle), 3 good (Heather, Whitney, Alexia) and a dud (Leah).

True about Marysol, I really enjoy her. Maybe a good sign she’ll get bumped up to a main wife on the new Miami season which I think is wrapping up filming now.
I assumed this must be fake with Leah's name being randomly attached to it :zombie:

But it's looking more likely that it *is* happening and that this is indeed the cast.

Leah and Whitney aside, I think it's a great cast! It will be interesting to see the Gizelle and Karen dynamic - if they use this season as one to finally pair up. They would be UNSTOPPABLE together :disco:
So Tinsley was supposed to be joining the cast as Leah best friend (Candiace has replaced Karen) but has now been replaced by Porsha.
That picture should literally be the dictionary definition of :basil:

In fact someone needs to replace all their faces with :basil:
So that's Candiace getting beat up again.
Yeah like she was an instant flop yet they keep shoving her down our throat.
Porsha posted this but didn’t tag Candiace or Leah, with Gizelle co-signing in the comments

Looks shit! I definitely have not missed Leah.

Right?? I watched this trailer yesterday and honestly can barely remember anything about it.

Lea and Porsha together is NOT a combination I'm desperate to watch :zombie:
I never need to see the Salt Lake City women again after the disaster of season 3, ESPECIALLY Whitney and Heather and their hilling.
Well I enjoyed this much more than expected. there was enough non Whitney/Heather stuff in episode 1 for it to entertain. LOVE PORSHA :D
Heather is such a FAN. Meaning she should only be at home watching Housewives, not an actual Housewife.
2 episodes in and Heather is drowning. I love it.
Yeah this season is just not it. Leah is such a pill and she brings everything down. The SLC girls are barely there and out of their depth.
The Salt Lake City ladies are just HUGE EMBARRASSMENT on this, truly the show that has NOTHING to offer outside the Jen Shah storyline. Lisa and Meredith at least would at least have been better signings.

Whitney really is one of the worst Housewives of ALL TIME, it's actually QUITE WRONG she gets to be part of an All Stars cast when the likes of Sonja, Shannon Storms-Beador, Jennifer Ayden, Kandi and most of Beverley Hills haven't had then chance yet.

The Heather confessional about being in awe of sitting amongst the greats (when the greats apparently include LEAH :bruised:) was a particular LOW POINT!
Also, I'm actually glad Leah was part of this cast as it really shows how HATEABLE she is and she'll be blamed forevermore as one of the main factors for NYC's downfall :disco: The entire cast piling on her on the boat felt SO CORRECT yet I also couldn't really good a fuck.

This season is fine background gay noise and that's about it.
My most interesting moment so far was actually bizarrely in episode 1 where you briefly got a glimpse into Marysol's homelife that included her reasonably hot (and surely gay) husband, a nephew that looked like Harry Styles and a FACIALLY DIFFICULT friend that was channelling big Mama Elsa energy. Just bump her to main cast and show us more next season pls Miami :disco:

Also I do like Candiace, but her DRIVE BACK rendition with Thai nightlife performers was NOTHING compared to Countess Luann's Money Can't Buy You Class on the ISLAND with MONEY GUNS and FIREWORKS from UGT 1 :disco:


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