I'm really enjoying this season, actually
Maybe I have some level of sadist in me, but it's been very satisfying to watch the real-time downfall of both Heather and Leah
Heather delivered an appalling recent season of her own show, but with it being Salt Lake City, she got off very lightly. Not here though! Between multiple declarations of being a starstruck fan, to her self-appointed heroes openly mocking her and calling her a liar - it does feel like the right comeuppance for her own behaviour on her own show. Her facial expressions in recent episodes have veered between panic and defeat and back again.
Obviously Leah already had her own backlash from her castmates on NYC. But to see that she's learned nothing, is repeating the same mistakes with the same rude behaviour, and is getting the exact same results - it's sweet!
Porsha, Gizelle, Candiace and Marysol all delivering star turns in their own way. I had hoped for a bit more from Alexia, though. And then there's Whitney - nothing worth mentioning, as ever.