Underrated housewives

Feb 3, 2004
So of course there are the iconic top tier housewives and then you have the other extreme of one-season housewives etc.

But I would like to reserve this thread for the unsung housewives. The ones we don't appreciate as we should.

I will start us off with CAMILLE GRAMMAR. I know she's loved in these corners but let's face it, she was once the most HATED Housewife in the game thanks to some VILE (:eyes: ) people out there.


She needs to come back and save us all.
I don’t like her and she can’t save shit. She will go whichever the wind blows.
I feel like Jill Zarin's thirst to get back on RHONY has overshadowed how great she actually was on RHONY in the first place. A relatable Housewife who wasn't afraid to become the villain if it meant great TV.

Then there's the fact that she was essentially the casting director for Season 1, and was responsible for Luann and Bethenny getting on the show, and tried to get Dorinda on in earlier seasons.

Plus, calling Ramona out on everything and anything was Queen behaviour in hindsight.

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