Which RH shows do your partners/friends/family enjoy? (1 Viewer)

Feb 3, 2004
As we all know this forum is a sub-Reddit sub-insta sub-podcast microcosm of the RH faniverse.
And we know that in each household there is one RH loving Stan whilst a partner/husband/wife/other supports and occasionally dips in and out.
Then there are those neighbours/friends/co-workers who casually dip in and out when you tell them about the latest fight/reunion/drama.

It would be nice to know what the GP watches.

Shall we?
Well my BF is more of an east coast RH fan. We did all of RHONY together and he dips into and out of RHONJ with me. He also likes Atlanta and OC (in small doses). He likes the glamour of the BH ladies but can't get into the drama like me. He inexplicably hates SLC with a passion and looks at me in disbelief when I lose my shit to the queenness of the Grande Dame et al on Potomac :(

My sister pretends to dip in and out because of my stanhood but clearly can't deal with it. But it's also RHONY for her.

My favourite neighbour in the mews loves BH and we routinely catch up. Fortunately she also hates Binna.

I don't talk about RH at work. :(
My boyfriend watches every franchise, so by extension, I know intimate details about dramas on tv shows I’ve never seen a full episode of

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