Xtina 2022 (2 Viewers)

I thought she was re-recording Reflection as well? I'm sure I Saw that somewhere and thought " :zombie: leave it as it is Christine"
My first thought is “well it’s no Reflection” but I think it fits the story well
Performance on Kimmel featuring an absolutely killer vocal - she sounds so great, I got shivers at the middle 8. Weird that she didn't have time to get dressed after her afternoon nap though.

I really like the song.
It has grown on me. And I think that was a good perf.
I just can't believe she's 50.

Song is just okay for me. She's singing good there apart from the very first wobbly warble she opend out with.
has she ben taking vocal lessons again? She sounds amazing, like 2006 amazing. I remember during Bionic and Lotus she was AWFUL, she had adopted very bad techniques and would sound so harsh and forced. Also, all that touring has surely helped her.

She still sounds like she's singing with her throat though.
Her range has changed a lot. This is much more suited to her lower and middle registrer. Her higher belts are 100% throat instead of chest and she's damaged that part of her chords a fair bit IMO.
Performance on Kimmel featuring an absolutely killer vocal - she sounds so great, I got shivers at the middle 8. Weird that she didn't have time to get dressed after her afternoon nap though.

I really like the song.

etc. etc.

Seriously though it's good
I missed this from a few months ago, but she did an interview on Kelly Clarkson's daytime TV show and comes across, rather... warm...

I couldn't finish that. Kelly can't even remember her own questions because she's interrupted both Xtina and herself.
I work for a business software multinational and I have no idea how they got her! :D I guess there's a gay working in the event management department because they had Gaga at some tech conference (that I never get to go to) last year I think.
I hope she wasn't too expensive. She wished us all the happies of holidays, blew a kiss to the camera and then began her wailing. She was quite restrained by her standards though.

Thanks! Here she is:


In case the Christina loons missed this

I saw that Tommy Hilfiger got Jessie J last year. Clearly the real money is in business software. :eyes:

bitch is looking fantastic right now. (xtina, not miss cornish)
Listening to Liberation to celebrate :disco:

Let me make this simple for ya
Lay down on the table for ya
In case you need a little reminder
I've been doin' this way before ya :disco:
I'm going to need a SCATHING TELL ALL from Ms. X-Tina for 2021. We know she has it IN HER - I need a chapter called "Fuck U Scott Storch"
well, it's about damn time. Can't wait for her releasing a single and then fucking off again until 2026.
We* and the charts** aren't ready! Slay us queen!

* 39 internet gays
** Billboard Hot Dance Club/Play Shart
what a stunningly LOW RENT brand partnership :D

I mean... FUN WINE :D naturally the quotes are quite the crock of shit!

In my artistry, I've never been one to shy away from wearing what I wanted and rebelling against things that I felt like tried to conform or tried to give me a rulebook. I've never been one for rulebook. :D

I'm such a lover of creativity and packaging. And liquor bottles are so boring. This one really caught my eye. :eyes:
Is the Brighton Pride setlist going to be streamed anywhere? Has it happened yet? Because what a live sync that would be.

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