Would you eat your family?

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No, I'm a vegetarian.

Is there a Quorn alternative?
Obviously the cannibalism is notable, but I'd say abandoning old dying people and leaving others alone in the wilderness is even more questionable.
Also worth noting that before they arrived at cannibalism, they ate tree bark and their wagons.

They weren’t tempted by the mules however.
There’s a board game if anyone fancies

Cannibalism apart, it's also shocking that it was such a difficult task to travel to California from within the states until so recently.
I mean 1840s doesn't feel that old. Had to remind myself reading through that this didn't happen in the 1740s or earlier.
Cannibalism apart, it's also shocking that it was such a difficult task to travel to California from within the states until so recently.
I mean 1840s doesn't feel that old. Had to remind myself reading through that this didn't happen in the 1740s or earlier.
No trains. Or RAILROADS as they call them. Had to cross rivers, mountains, ravines forests and deserts over about 2k miles.
I’ve never read the details of this story before, jesus christ - I think my “favourite” part is when some of them are on their way out after being rescued and Mary Donner, so close to the end of the ordeal, falls asleep with her numb, frostbitten feet IN THE FIRE and badly burns them!

Like at that point I wonder if she just woke up, looked at her feet in the fire and did this:

I’ve never read the details of this story before, jesus christ - I think my “favourite” part is when some of them are on their way out after being rescued and Mary Donner, so close to the end of the ordeal, falls asleep with her frostbitten feet IN THE FIRE and badly burns them!

Like at that point I wonder if she just woke up, looked at her feet in the fire and did this:


The rest of the Donners at the smell of cooked feet:

This is quite the detail

"Jean Baptiste Trudeau boasted of his own heroism, but also spoke in lurid detail of eating Jacob Donner, and said he had eaten a baby raw"
Why doesn’t there seem to be a decent film based on this? I skimmed through a TV movie version on YouTube that looks like an episode of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman and apparently doesn’t even feature cannibalism, and the other existing film versions also look like cheap shit

I want to see Nicole Kidman sleeping with her feet in the fire while Angelina Jolie and Jake Gyllenhaal forlornly eat one of her children
Why doesn’t there seem to be a decent film based on this? I skimmed through a TV movie version on YouTube that looks like an episode of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman and apparently doesn’t even feature cannibalism, and the other existing film versions also look like cheap shit

I want to see Nicole Kidman sleeping with her feet in the fire while Angelina Jolie and Jake Gyllenhaal forlornly eat one of her children
I wondered this. I believe it's a well known story in American history classes, but I have a feeling it's gained traction in the Internet age
Seems like great material for a series of American Horror and/or Crime Story.
I wondered this. I believe it's a well known story in American history classes, but I have a feeling it's gained traction in the Internet age

Maybe it’s just too RELENTLESSLY AWFUL to be a film. By the time the third or fourth small child dies of starvation the audience might just want a bit of light relief
If they can get Meryl Streep to do a film about a dingo eating a baby, I'm sure this could get the greenlight.
"Ravenous" is the film you want if you're after Civil War era cannibalism in the American West. The Donner Party don't feature though.

Or there's "Alive" if you prefer hunky Chilean football players chomping down on each other in a true life horror show. Also features a stomach churning plane crash!
Maybe they shouldn't have started the journey with a name so similar to Dinner Party

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