Final Fantasy 7 Remake & Rebirth (1 Viewer)


I’m the hostess of the dinner
Apr 9, 2005
It's happening

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It's too much :disco: I do have a slight worry from the trailer that it might end up seeming a bit overly serious with the voice acting etc, and lose the tinges of goofiness that were part of the experience, but either way I'll probably be buying a PS4 purely to play it.
It's too much :disco: I do have a slight worry from the trailer that it might end up seeming a bit overly serious with the voice acting etc, and lose the tinges of goofiness that were part of the experience, but either way I'll probably be buying a PS4 purely to play it.

This pretty much sums up everything after Final Fantasy 9 for me. The franchise has lost its playfulness and has become far too serious and almost forced too.
I've just been revisiting the original trailer that utterly slayed my life when I was twelve:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

It's too much :disco: I do have a slight worry from the trailer that it might end up seeming a bit overly serious with the voice acting etc, and lose the tinges of goofiness that were part of the experience, but either way I'll probably be buying a PS4 purely to play it.

Square's line is that if you want to play HD FF7, then the PC and PS4 port is there for you. This is not going to be a beat for beat remake and - to be fair - there is no way they could get away with it. It would never translate well.

Considering Nomura is in charge, I'd expect it to be more along the lines of FF15. He already took the knife to FF15 in the early days by removing the world map, airship and avatar approach, deeming that it did not suit the HD experience. This is going to be a new re-imagining of FF7, probably with a lot of references to Crisis Core and Advent Children in there. Could very well hear more of Angeal, Genesis and Zack as a result (for those who have never Crisis Core'd, it was the prequel - starring a mainly non-evil and terrific Sephiroph ... right up until the Nibelheim incident naturally).
The iOS version of the game has just been released, costing £11.99 and requiring fairly high-end specs in terms of devices it will work with - as well as 2GB space, plus a further 4GB to install.

I've downloaded it, but I'm not sure how far I'll play it through having already done it twice before and wanting some sense of anticipation for the remake.

(Vague) details of the actual re-make - or rather, what changes will be made, are starting to emerge also:

Tetsuya Nomura, director of the Final Fantasy VII remake, has been hinting more about the combat system in the game, which sounds like it’s going to be very different from the original.

Speaking to the Official PlayStation Magazine, he offered the following comments in a section labelled ‘changes to the combat system’:

‘We are bringing dramatic changes to the Final Fantasy VII Remake so we’re hoping that you’ll look forward to additional information that we’ll be able to release when the time comes. And of course, that being said we want to clarify: we’re not going to be changing it into a shooter or something like that. We are going to be bringing dramatic changes, but we want to make sure it’s still recognisable.’

As you can see there’s no real clue as to what the new combat will be like, but Nomura has already said that it won’t feature characters standing in line or waiting their turn:

‘We can’t have these upgraded, beautiful 3D models of Cloud and Barrett, still lining up in a row, jumping forward to attack an enemy, then jumping back to wait for their next turn,’ he told Engadget at E3. ‘That would be bizarre. Of course there will likely be changes there.’

It makes total sense that the static battle system would be gone, but I would be less concerned if I hadn't played through 'Crisis Core' with one of the most BIZARRE battle systems I have ever experienced in gaming.
I'm not getting excited for this yet, it will probably come out in like three years. They still haven't finished XV.
I think it's almost inevitable that it will be delayed, but Sony currently have it listed for release in 2016.
Amazon has it on December 31st 2016 :D
They've hinted that this, Reborn and the next Dragon Quest could all be coming to Nintendo's project NX pending cross platform discussions. Failing that, I plan on getting an Xbox One anyway.
Any talk of cross-party support that would bring the NX equal to the PS4/Xbox One should be taken with a LARGE pinch of salt after the Wii U was also talked up in the same manner, before pretty much every major release skipped it (except for 'Watch Dogs', which arrived about eight months later than all the other formats :D).
I can't see the battle system being as different as FFXV, maybe it'll be ATB based but have the characters running around the battlefield like in Grandia (or FFXIII I suppose :eyes:)

Yaaaaaaaaas (etc) Pipo!
I'm surprised they haven't yet re-made FFVI, especially since the re-designed sprites from the DS version of FFIII would surely have been a good basis for it.

Maybe it's not worth the money. Or maybe they're waiting to give it more extensive treatment.
A FF6 remake needs to happen. The worry with 7 is that it's SO iconic, people are going to be disappointed no matter how the new version turns out. The older, top down games have a lot more scope since they can pretty much be rebuilt from the ground up without sacrificing any sort of 'classic 3D' look.
It's actually happening

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
It looks SO, SO good!
The biggest surprise for me is it's much further into development than I ever thought.
With it being a timed PlayStation exclusive, I'm hoping they'll be pushing for a late 2016 release.

More likely it'll be out for the 20th anniversary of the original in 2017 though.
They have 15 which should be coming out in the spring so I think they will push this to 2017 at least.
I detest Final Fantasy and even I think this looks amazing.

I take it that it's actual fighting instead of dreadful turn based?
It does look that way! I can only assume they're using the same game engine as FFXV, there's no other way it'd be this far along going by their usual speed.

I think it looks great, but I'm not sure about the voice acting. It's great there's actual gameplay but I also can't help noticing that everything in the trailer takes place in the first half hour of the game. I wonder how they'll deal with things after the player leaves Midgar, given that no recent FF game has had a world map to explore :(
Also, I'm aware it's a VERY :david: distinction to make but for the record the original FFVII wasn't turn-based (only the first three NES games and FFX were).
With it being a timed PlayStation exclusive, I'm hoping they'll be pushing for a late 2016 release.

More likely it'll be out for the 20th anniversary of the original in 2017 though.

How long do these timed exclusives typically last - as in how much of a delay is there likely to be for the Xbox One version?

Looks shit the hot tub amazing naturally.
I assume it's going to be NX bound with Cloud appearing in Smash Bros.
It does look that way! I can only assume they're using the same game engine as FFXV, there's no other way it'd be this far along going by their usual speed.

I think it looks great, but I'm not sure about the voice acting. It's great there's actual gameplay but I also can't help noticing that everything in the trailer takes place in the first half hour of the game. I wonder how they'll deal with things after the player leaves Midgar, given that no recent FF game has had a world map to explore :(
It was announced as being episodic today. So that kind of answers that one.
I imagine that helps with the release date, but I can't see any other positives :(
How long do these timed exclusives typically last - as in how much of a delay is there likely to be for the Xbox One version?

The recent Xbox One exclusivity for the new Tomb Raider game lasts 12 months, which is probably a fairly good indicator.

The announcement of an episodic release is intriguing, since the game is still supposed to be a full retail release.
Cloud looks "skinny due to his white skin and the lighting" and the scenario in which he cross-dresses for Don Corneo will remain, but has yet to be redesigned.

This really is all I care about
As someone who doesn't have a PS4, I hope by the time the exclusivity runs out, that they'll release it as one game instead of episodes for the other platforms (assuming 'NX' does actually get it).
I actually finally finished the original FF7 a couple of weeks ago. :D

Anyway, apparently it's going to be released in an episodic format, not that much of a surprise considering the original alone took 3 discs to contain all the data. With that in mind, I just hope though it won't be a glitchy mess if it's going to be split up like that.
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You're about 2 months behind Haiku.
I'm really excited for this now. There's a comparison video somewhere and most scenes seem quite intact. I don't see the first episode coming any time this year though.

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