New BBC Radio stations (1 Viewer)

Aug 3, 2009
This comes as a surprise, as I thought the BBC like all traditional linear broadcasters were downsizing. Both stations certainly have merit.

Radio remains remarkably resilient.

Also, fuck off Steve Wright.

The Radio 1 nostalgia station is quite the curio. The actual oldies station is probably a good shout, for those who consider Tears For Fears to be too modern.
I'm impressed. There are increasingly large chunks of their audience that feel they aren't being catered for currently and they've pretty much got them bang on with those Radio 1 and Radio 2 spin-offs.
They all sound pretty useless. Where's the channel for people who like interesting music?
The Radio 1 nostalgia station is quite the curio. The actual oldies station is probably a good shout, for those who consider Tears For Fears to be too modern.
The Radio 1 station looks pretty much to me for people who are too old for Radio 1, but who look at Radio 2 and think 'fuck that'.

The other channels are squarely aimed at all the listeners who have departed the BBC for commercial radio, who have played this game successfully for a while now.

I doubt women in their mid/late 70s are high on their list of demographic targets, but I can well imagine my mother lapping this shit up and abandoning commercial radio altogether.
They all sound pretty useless. Where's the channel for people who like interesting music?
Move along, there's nothing for you to see here.

Unless perhaps the Radio 1 nostalgia station allows the main channel to free up some time there, perhaps?

Is there much on BBC Sounds for interesting new music? I use it rather a lot now, but only really for comedies and Radio 4.
It's mostly playlists and "ambient mixes", few of which are any fun. The most radical programmes are actually found on Radio 3 but they do tend to support form over quality. It might be framed as "an exploration of how rust affects the sound of metal instruments" but it's still someone banging cymbals for 20 minutes. Or worse, "minimalism" where an orchestra plays arpeggios for an hour.
Is this just a loophole to get around their playlisting “choices” and the criticism that it garnered last year?
I listen to radio rarely these days, but there's some value in some of these for me- I am forever flicking through Heart/Absolute 70s-80s-90s when I'm in the car with Mr Sheena and we can't decide what to listen to, but inevitably I get wound up by the adverts and give up.

The classical one is a great shout too- Mr Sheena likes classical music when he goes to bed and sometimes what they choose to play is really fucking busy.
I admittedly only have a dim awareness of Jamie Laing in general, but I had no idea until this story started doing the rounds today that his Great Grandfather founded McVities.

I suppose if you dig into the background of pretty much any prominent media figure who came up post Ant & Dec you’d probably find something similar…

I don't think it's only the inherited wealth - it's also the reality TV and pop stars becoming presenters and getting big radio jobs. Where's the new talent coming through the industry?
I don't think it's only the inherited wealth - it's also the reality TV and pop stars becoming presenters and getting big radio jobs. Where's the new talent coming through the industry?
This. I've noticed that the Beeb seems to be employing them EN MASSE.

It's disheartening.
Hasn’t it always been thus? It’s just we call it out more.

My best friend at uni ended up in a very senior position for a prominent radio station after getting a third in his degree and walking into an event management job for 19 Management because he was really fucking rich and basically could afford his parents subsidising him whilst he worked for nothing in the early days.
I admittedly only have a dim awareness of Jamie Laing in general, but I had no idea until this story started doing the rounds today that his Great Grandfather founded McVities.

I suppose if you dig into the background of pretty much any prominent media figure who came up post Ant & Dec you’d probably find something similar…

You don't need to dig much. He's off Made in Chelsea. It was just Towie for aristocrats!
The hair is getting dangerously close to Ethel Skinner wig territory as well.
The Radio 1 and Radio 3 stations are happening.

Radio 1 Anthems launches 8th November.

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