Post a GAY INTEREST ONLY Eurovision flop (1 Viewer)


Take it or leave it
Feb 3, 2004
The Cinema
As much as ESC is an LGBTQIA+ institution, I do love it when an entrant forgets that other demographics are actually watching, and inevitably bellyflops as a result of being utterly ALIENATING/REPELLENT to straights. :D

The first one that comes to mind for me is THIS. Serving Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve, Talent and 0 points from the public :basil:

A friend of mind while watching live: "Wow, that drag queen can really sing!"
This thread is basically going to become my playlist when I next come home drunk after a night out :disco:
Je Ne Sais Quoi is a perfect answer in that it very nearly WON its semi final, but crashed and burned in the main show when all the tasteless heterosexuals tuned in. :(
Let's be real. You have to have sucked cock to appreciate this level of HIGH CAMP :disco:

The backing singer in the shadows trying to hold this together is the same one responsible for Natalia Gordienko's AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA moment. Eagerly awaiting another camp classic for her to fold down the fort with :eyes:
Quick question for the eductionally-challenged:

What Eurovision flop WOULDN'T be gay interest only?
Je Ne Sais Quoi is a perfect answer in that it very nearly WON its semi final, but crashed and burned in the main show when all the tasteless heterosexuals tuned in. :(

Truly the world of the heterosexual is a SICK and BORING LIFE!

Lest we forget.

I posted the video but arguably the live performance is even more exclusively gay interest.


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