Real Housewives of New York (1 Viewer)

Sonja is like teflon, she was fine.

It was poor sad old Jules I felt sorry for.
Why can I not find the Bethenny SHAKING holding her glass gif?!
Housewives GIFs are notoriously difficult on giphy or whatever XenForums uses. I think it's to do with ALCOHOL and/or SWEARING

Sonja’s selling her townhouse, Luann is touring the world, Bethenny is fighting for her life on Tik-Tok, and none of it is being recorded! SHAME!!!!

Why don’t we have a spin-off featuring Ramona in the winter and the real housewives of Palm Beach/Mar-a-lago?
I honestly cannot fathom that LuAnn is reaching the stratosphere of iconography and Bravo won’t put a camera on her


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