Real Housewives of New York (1 Viewer)

I just finished Season One and knowing roughly where Luann's life goes, it is weird that aside from her constantly mentioning that she's a COUNTESS, she's a pretty inoffensive mediator so far. Shades of Adrienne in Season One of Beverley Hills, only with less hideous fashion taste and not as visibly mega-rich.

Even her scene 'counselling' a recovering drug addict was only about a third as cringey as I was braced for. Aside from the moment where she complimented the woman's 'pigtails', she actually gave fairly good advice! What might have been had the TV cameras never found her...

Anyway I'm aware season one is very much a preview but it is remarkable how generally uneventful it is. There was some drama with Ramona taking umbrage at Alex McCord bringing her husband to a girls night which felt like it might build to something, but then... oh, end of season! Quite surprised it actually got renewed TBH! Certainly not a patch on all the shit that had gone down by the end of Beverley Hills Season One, but I guess this was a SIMPLER TIME.

Initial ranking:

Alex - An instant comedy creation. What a bizarre woman. Another sign of the times I noticed is just how exposed her POOR children are in this season. I'm sure in a more media savvy age she'd have kept them a lot more off-camera. But then she also seems like she'd sell them both to Jeffrey Epstein for a photo in the society pages, so perhaps not?

LuAnn - The countess stuff *is* hilarious, but as mentioned she's off to a low key start.

Ramona - Created literally the only genuine drama this season, and the whole pushy stage mum thing was mildly amusing.

Jill - Seems... nice? I do like her dynamic with Bethenny but I can already see how it's going to sour quickly.

Bethenny - Funny and articulate but already kind of exhausting. It's giving that high-maintenance female friend every gay man had at University who was always a nightmare at social events.
I just finished Season One and knowing roughly where Luann's life goes, it is weird that aside from her constantly mentioning that she's a COUNTESS, she's a pretty inoffensive mediator so far. Shades of Adrienne in Season One of Beverley Hills, only with less hideous fashion taste and not as visibly mega-rich.

Even her scene 'counselling' a recovering drug addict was only about a third as cringey as I was braced for. Aside from the moment where she complimented the woman's 'pigtails', she actually gave fairly good advice! What might have been had the TV cameras never found her...

Anyway I'm aware season one is very much a preview but it is remarkable how generally uneventful it is. There was some drama with Ramona taking umbrage at Alex McCord bringing her husband to a girls night which felt like it might build to something, but then... oh, end of season! Quite surprised it actually got renewed TBH! Certainly not a patch on all the shit that had gone down by the end of Beverley Hills Season One, but I guess this was a SIMPLER TIME.

Initial ranking:

Alex - An instant comedy creation. What a bizarre woman. Another sign of the times I noticed is just how exposed her POOR children are in this season. I'm sure in a more media savvy age she'd have kept them a lot more off-camera. But then she also seems like she'd sell them both to Jeffrey Epstein for a photo in the society pages, so perhaps not?

LuAnn - The countess stuff *is* hilarious, but as mentioned she's off to a low key start.

Ramona - Created literally the only genuine drama this season, and the whole pushy stage mum thing was mildly amusing.

Jill - Seems... nice? I do like her dynamic with Bethenny but I can already see how it's going to sour quickly.

Bethenny - Funny and articulate but already kind of exhausting. It's giving that high-maintenance female friend every gay man had at University who was always a nightmare at social events.
OK so I can absolutely say that my opinions during season 1 were VERY close to yours indeed.

I’m keeping an eye on your opinion of Jill as certain things change / unfold.

I’m coming to the end of S3 but I’m SO excited knowing somebody else here is living the WHOLE EXPERIENCE RIGHT NOW :disco:

Edit: totally get the Luann/Adrienne comparison, personality wise at least! Bethenny kinda gives me Kyle energy to an extent too but I can’t really put my finger on why
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Bethenny kinda gives me Kyle energy to an extent too but I can’t really put my finger on why
OK the Season One reunion really kicks things up a notch :D

The other women all ripping into Alex for the squalid state of her apartment!

Alex blatantly leaking her own nudes :D

Simon coming in to defend Alex only to make them both look even worse and more humourless!

Ramona having some kind of COCAINE FIT at the mere mention of the aforementioned McCord nudes

Jill trying to flog TEAM JILL T-shirts :side-eye:

I can see why Bethenny became the breakout star now, too. She was basically co-presenting!
Kyle and Bethenny were childhood friends.


That tells you all you need to know.

Luann didn't do much for me season one but as the seasons go by, every scene with her is just a DELIGHT. This is where she really came into her MOTHER POWER giving a Vanderpump-esque DOMMING of a power dynamic.
Bethany was part of the staff, the nanny of Paris Hilton and Nicky Hilton. Bethany wishes she was old money like the Hiltons/Richards.
I'm on episode 1 and already having an emotional meltdown I love these women so much

Even Kelly has a moment

'Kirsten is the Google of Housewives'
It's been enjoyable so far (four episodes in), but suffers a lot from having Kelly in it. She just doesn't make any sense when she speaks, and it's no fun to watch.

The series is also missing having someone to rile up Ramona. She's barely registered for me so far. Ramona Singer. Not registering. That's a big miss.
the Ramona vs Jill Morocco fight in S4 is hilarious. Screaming at eachother and “I’m gonna have a heart attack!”

Over… WHAT? :D
I’m on season 5 now!

Took a few episodes to realise Jill was no more… I’m surprised she was sacked when she was a big part of it all?!
The way Ramona completely dismantles her on camera in their first meeting and Bethenny has to run away!
Wow I'm really really hating Bethenny this time around. Talk about hero to zero! She's just SO rude, abrupt and horrid!
The scene in S8 where Sonja visits Bethenny at work to tell her about Tipsy Girl to get ripped to shreds with absolutely zero remorse in front of Bethenny's staff.

I've seen some humiliating acts but that is absolutely up there with the worst. Gross.
Bethenny was truly wicked that season. I blame that evil wavy bob she had done to copy LuAnn.
So is this just an entire season of Sonja Morgan being bullied and ostracized?

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