I bet she could have got a few more quid out of The Human League for supporting them now. I hope at least she's getting more than bloody T'Pau.
I did notice she's only playing the gay states
You're in for a treat. She's an UTTER JOY live.I bought ticketsI’ll figure out logistics later, but I really didn’t think I’d ever be able to see her without traveling to Europe
I can’t imagine the venue is going to be much larger than her kitchen, so I’m hoping for a similar level of performanceYou're in for a treat. She's an UTTER JOY live.
Yes it was. And we did question whether she would sing it. And actually Mandy filmed the speech she did before she sung it, explaining that it's a song full of joy, etc etc. and the song was received very well by the audience.That's the gig that @Rachey's Mandy was at, isn't it? I didn't twig...