Steps - Something In Your Eyes (1 Viewer)


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To be honest, I’m not sure what I’m complaining about. Kylie shares her hair stylist with AMANDA HOLDEN.
SG 2020 RANK

1. Victoria - for services to knowing when to quit when ahead
2. Melanie C - for services to recent music
3. Emma - for services to not being Mel B or Geri
4. Melanie B - for being honest about being poor
5. Geri - for letting us all down


1. Faye - the people’s champion
2. Lisa - for services to entertainment
3. Lee - for a quiet dignity
4. H - for not being Claire
5. Claire - for kicking off about Wagamama’s vegan menu, for making her apology to Lisa, Lee and Faye all about her, and for refusing to reform TSD in the time between H and Claire and the Steps reunion
I’ve upgraded from 9 to 10 after a few more listens. I don’t think it’s a song that will go down as a classic (it’s a bit too frantic) but for now it’s a 10.
Steps thinking they can follow Madge as the interval act though :D:D:D
That’s not to say they wouldn’t put on a better perf, before anyone reads me.
He’s doing the full band. I don’t know if he was on from the beginning of the Tears comeback but he styled the tours and it’s been carried over to the new era.

LSL just has a habit of saying I instead of WE.

"I talked to the songwriter, Thomas, and he said he saw me on TV when he was in England in 2007 and I inspired him write a song called "Something In Your Eyes" in the first place" - SCOTT-LEE, Lisa.

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Not only did she inspire him to write it but he also wrote it ESPECIALLY FOR HER :disco:
Ok I over reacted.

If I ignore the original and how well I know it and take this for its own thing, this is a total nine :disco:
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On paper it could have been the ultimate Steps song, so I was a TAD deflated this morning when I realised it wasn’t, but that’s a pretty fucking high bar, let’s face it.

At the end of the day, it’s still a phenomenal song and I’m still pinching myself that Steps have actually recorded it.
I didn't care for the po-faced first chorus choreo but after that I was happy enough.
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It looks better on my phone :)

I prefer it to WTFH actually. I was distracted by the smudged floor in that one
wow. that choreo is absolute garbage! what a rubbish energy vacuum of a video.

only Lisa seems to be having any fun and presumably she's just HAPPY TO B(-LIST) THERE.
IN MY DEFENSE I didn't have it in HD for the YouTube Premiere :side-eye: I like it now :disco:
Faye and Lee are ageing exquisitely. The other three... well...

Does the video GO with the song? It seems too futuristic and LAFS-ish for such a classic-sounding pop song.
What's wrong with the video? I think it's a cute little pastel themed affair that suits the track fine. They look great too.

Yeah it's relatively low budget but there's no need for anything too expensive, they aren't Dua Lipa.

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