The Real Housewives of Melbourne (1 Viewer)

It's fine. As soon as The Real Housewives of New York City: Legacy becomes a huge hit, we'll get The Real Housewives of Melbourne filming. Right? :shy:

The dream team went for dinner with producers and then a drunk Pettifleur and Gamble went on Instagram Live and said they were talking about the show but can’t say anything yet :disco:

This tweet has cured my cold AND my back pain.
DEVASTED about the (alleged!!) cancellation news, but in many ways it's probably for the best.
There's absolutely no way that if they brought it back with Gina and Lydia that one (or both) of them wouldn't say something at best problematic or at worst racist :eyes:
Gina Liano would 100% get cancelled off the screen in 2022, unless she's had a full-blown personality transplant. I'm sure Gina knows that too, and it probably played into her decision not to come back for season 5 in the first place.

Season 1 must be 10, maybe 15 years old at this point??

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