how loud is it though? if you don't go actively looking for it you'll never see it. I think a lot of this "hate" is just toxic online stuff that doesn't translate into the real world.Something has changed in the last year or so - not by coincidence in parallel with the growth of terfism and the far right. Homophobia has been normalised again alongside transphobia which has always been normalised. These people are speaking loudly, boldly and in big numbers.
It's the 'price' you pay for democracy. It legitimizes everyone's voice. You can't cherry pick. There's a reason why ancient Greek scholars absolutely detested it from the beginning and why it's still seen as a joke by much of the world today.Social media gives cunts a voice, when they really should be shunned and silenced. I'm sick of this idea we should listen to everyone; some people don't deserve to be heard because the louder they speak, the more other cunts think it gives them the right to raise their own voice too.
how loud is it though? if you don't go actively looking for it you'll never see it.
well then by your echo chamber logic, the only people who are actually exposed to loud voices of hate online are other loud haters.I massively disagree with this. Just because we don't see it, doesn't mean it's not "loud". It's because we all put ourselves in a bubble where we only hear people with like minded voices.
Social media gives cunts a voice, when they really should be shunned and silenced. I'm sick of this idea we should listen to everyone; some people don't deserve to be heard because the louder they speak, the more other cunts think it gives them the right to raise their own voice too.
Also, Musk literally changed the algorithm of Twitter to reward the cunts spouting off there, so it is very definitely "louder" than before in a more literal sense too.I massively disagree with this. Just because we don't see it, doesn't mean it's not "loud". It's because we all put ourselves in a bubble where we only hear people with like minded voices. Moopy is a prime example and my actual friendship group is entirely the same.
well then by your echo chamber logic, the only people who are actually exposed to loud voices of hate online are other loud haters.
Also, Musk literally changed the algorithm of Twitter to reward the cunts spouting off there, so it is very definitely "louder" than before in a more literal sense too.
I do see - too often in real life as well as online - views and comments which go far beyond opinion and into pure hate and prejudice, which then emboldens other people to spew the same shit in response and normalises it. For me, there's a point where people don't deserve the courtesy of respect or acceptance from anyone - a level of ignorance, hate or bigotry that we shouldn't be expected to tolerate - and it's depressing how often I see and hear that point being crossed recently.I am also wary of this. I take the point, but as a society, our views have become polarised and extreme simply because we can't cope with someone's opinion being different to that of us or our bubble. I'm as guilty of it as most but the people on the "cunt" side see themselves just as valid and "right" as we do.
I massively disagree with this. Just because we don't see it, doesn't mean it's not "loud". It's because we all put ourselves in a bubble where we only hear people with like minded voices. Moopy is a prime example and my actual friendship group is entirely the same.
I honestly think it's a bit distasteful to start talking a lot like social media or homophobes necessarily had anything to do with it. People are perfectly capable of having their own demons.