OK, Season Three then...
So I don't think I have it in me to keep doing in depth episode-by-episode breakdowns, so to quote the great
@Samanta TinAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAaaaA , I'll jut be doing intermittent updates when the SPIRIT MOVES ME. But I will try to cover everything, albiet in slightly more CONDENSED form.
I've burned through the first five episodes already, so here are some THOUGHTS, accompanied by the all-important new taglines.
Lisa Vanderpump
Life isn't all diamonds and Rosé, but it should be...
Season Two was a funny one for Lisa. The clear breakout star of the first season - unless you count Camille briefly becoming America's most hated woman

- she maintained her leading lady status through her sophomore year, but definitely felt a bit removed from the main action. She missed out on a lot of the major group outings and, aside from a brief but significant spat with Taylor, spent most of the season on a bit of an island planning her lovely but dull daughter's lovely but dull wedding.
HOWEVER, despite appearing to stay largely above the fray, clearly something was beginning to rankle with the other women, as the Season 2 reunion turned into a bit of an unexpected Lisa take-down attempt. I think everyone but Taylor got a few pot shots in, but the lead attacker was, surprisingly, the previously conflict-averse Adrienne Malouf.
The Adrienne/Lisa argument about selling stories is so funny to me, because it's patently obvious what really happened and the way they respond to it is quite telling of both women. I'm pretty confident that Lisa was leaking stories to the press, but crucially, not accepting money for it. This gives her plausible deniability when Adrienne accuses her of SELLING stories, and Adrienne seriously undermines her case by completely misunderstanding the market value of an off-record Real Housewives soundbite.

I think she accused Lisa of taking something like $20,000 a time from the gossip journalists and seriously, ON WHAT PLANET?
Lisa gives herself away by letting slip the likely REAL cash value of these kinds of stories, which is obviously pocket change to her. But either way, in that moment she clearly makes a silent vow to burn Adrienne Malouf's empire to the ground.
The first few episodes basically consist of Lisa outright refusing to film with Adrienne, clearly banking on the (correct) knowledge that she's easily the bigger, more valuable star on the franchise. Poor boring Adrienne is completely outgunned in this battle, and her attempts to make amends are totally rebuffed. (I enjoyed her sending a giant bouquet of flowers to Lisa's party, which Lisa could not have received with more naked contempt had she poured her martini over them and set them on fire).
Eventually Adrienne is forced to back down and offer Lisa an unreserved apology in an exquisitely uncomfortable sit-down session. But it's pretty clear this special military operation is only just getting started. Which leads us nicely into...
Brandi Glanville
Money doesn't give you class... it just gives you more money
Wasn't Brandi initially brought on as Adrienne's good friend?

Apparently she now hates her with every fibre of her being, while also growing ever-closer to Lisa and Ken. I'm sure these two developments are entirely coincidental...
But yes, newly promoted Brandi (is that Tagline supposed to be about HER or the other women?), is quickly setting herself up as the primary antagonist of the season. That said, her attempts to make amends with a newly-sober Kim seemed sincere and even quite sweet, until she responds to a tactless but ultimately benign comment from Adrienne like THIS
So far the other ladies appear to be mostly on Adrienne's side, and she's also got a secondary enemy in Taylor, who resents the (genuinely horrible and below the belt) way Brandi attacked her during the Season 2 reunion. Her saving grace is of course her position as the Belarus to Lisa's Russia, but that bit of sunlight is only going to shine on her for so long. Just ask Cedric...
Adrienne Malouf
Know your friends, show your enemies the door...
Essentially covered in my Lisa/Brandi recaps. Poor Adrienne may be the richest housewife, but she's hopelessly outgunned in this fight. From being forced to bow and scrape to Lisa for airtime to being humiliated by Brandi, it's been a rough first few episodes for Ms Malouf. Still, at least she's finally got something to do beyond dressing like shit and trading charmless sitcom banter with Paul...
Taylor Armstrong
I fought too hard for this zip code to go home now!
OK, we need to start with that tagline. LADY. Your husband is DEAD BY HIS OWN HAND!
It's all just very bizarre and I do get that she needed the money and Bravo clearly felt bad about the way things turned out, but it's all SO grim and uncomfortable.
Plot-wise, so far she's been quite light. There's a bit of a hint that she's drinking too much which - DUH! Her resentment towards Brandi is totally justified, but it seems to be taking a back seat to the Vanderpump-Malouf wars so far. Honestly, I'm quietly hoping she just spends this season quietly collecting her cheques and using them to attend a great deal of therapy.
Yolanda Hadid
I like to have fun, but I DON'T like to play games!
OK then!
During a hungover moment at the Moopy Eurovision hovel, a bunch of us watched a compilation of every Real Housewife tagline ever, and aside from that terrifying harpy from OC and her constant WOOHOO-ing, the comedy highlight for me was how uniformly DOUR and HUMOURLESS Yolanda's
bon mots are.
This season's new character seems like an odd fit really. She doesn't drink, she very obviously has no relationship or interest in any of these women beyond a passing acquaintance with Lisa Vanderpump, and she generally comes off like a total pill.
That said, I'm kind of digging her haughty, self-satisfied, low-key crazy person vibe, and
@Suomi's write-up of her (presumably upcoming) reign of LEMON TERROR was the reason I finally caved and got invested in this show. So I'm keeping an open mind.
Kim Richards
Life is a journey, and I'm finding myself every day...
Kyle Richards
I was born and raised in Beverley Hills, this is MY TOWN (begrudgingly, i must admit this one is kind of a serve

Kim is apparently sober now, which is lovely! Also, hilariously, in the cold light of sobriety she seems to have fully realised that she actually fucking hates Kyle and has spent these first few episodes interacting with her as little as humanly possible

Neither sister has been front and centre in much of the drama yet. Kyle remains the lynchpin/de facto narrator of the show and that's a role she plays perfectly fine. There's some boring family stuff with Mauricio and her daughters but I'm not even going to waste the virtual ink. She does seem to be the only one who has the power to call Lisa out, which she does on a couple of occasions. Interested to see where this goes, as I suspect she's only getting away with it while Lisa's eyes are trained on another.
Kim finally makes up with Brandi in a sweetly tearful dinner table scene which, as discussed above, gets marred by Brandi going full pitbull on Adrienne. But I see potential for these two, and I kind of hope they wind up teaming up to destroy Kyle. She also makes a good first impression on Yolanda, and is together enough to be trusted with 'organising' the show's first major group to Ojai. Like Taylor, Kim had a very dark season 2 so I'm fine if this is her being a bit of a side character while she pulls her life back together.
Speaking of side characters...
Camille Grammer
No tagline due to DEMOTION from the opening credits
RIP to our passive-aggressive, clairvoyant-wielding female Jesus. Other than Andy Cohen's obvious HATE BONER for her I'm a little surprised she wasn't brought back, as even with her aggressive PR revamp through season two, she managed to find herself at the centre of the show's most compelling drama when she outed Taylor's domestic abuse claims. Plus she gives such great talking head!
At first I thought it was going to get super dystopian and she was going to be written out of the show's history and never seen or spoken of again, but after a no-show in episode one it kind of feels like she's exactly as present as she was before?

She's not doing much beyond bragging about her hot new piece, but I'm glad she's still around even if it is in a reduced capacity.
God that was a lot, so much for saving myself a bit of time by not breaking down every episode!