A Nadine Coyle post-GA thread (1 Viewer)


May 2, 2004
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Haaaiiiiiiiiii,,,,, I have had the wildest few months. No joke, since the end of the GA tour, wild I tell you, WILD!!!!!! Loads of luv.. Xxx</p>&mdash; Nadine Coyle (@NadineCoyleNow) <a href="https://twitter.com/NadineCoyleNow/statuses/364133860923015169">August 4, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Nadine 3.1 FORTHCOMING then? Hopefully it comes with antivirus if she plans on playing more grotty gay DIVES like last time :gross:
Da da da da da da da da da da da da
Da da da da da da da da da da da da


Hey eh eh eh ey

Uhhhmmm mmmmm mmmm'hh

More of this wouldn't go amiss.
She's the best Girls Aloud member.

Nadine 3.1 FORTHCOMING then? Hopefully it comes with antivirus if she plans on playing more grotty gay DIVES like last time :gross:


Never forget.
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I like to think that picture above is how she shouts last orders in Irish Mist each night.
The Sweetest High is the third best solo Aloud track.

01 Lucky Day
03 Sweetest High

Splash, the venue for that legendary 2.0 PA, is now closing. Clearly there is nowhere left for them to go after hosting that.
Is it JUST ME or does that Nadine photo look like Alyssa Edwards? :D
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I've know idea who that is, but if this is her, then yes.

Meanwhile, LIVE on INSTAGRAM...

http://i.STOP FUNDING HATE.co.uk/i/pix/2013/08/15/article-0-1B4E34C4000005DC-536_634x624.jpg

Is this bitch going down the SEB route to delay the Xenomania solo album?
Who's her latest BC?

BC makes everyone insayshuble.

I can't wait to see her legs under the strain of an extra 2 lbs when she's 8 months gone. She'll need crutches.
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This is really going to damage her future success as a recording artiste.
How are her customers supposed to eat now?

"What's on the menu Nay-Deen?"

"A baby"
Whoaah, who knew?

I hope she calls it either Hawaiiiiieee or Beachgerlorcitygerl.

Congratulations Nadine on the actual Nadine 2.0.
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The baby is called Anaíya.

Who knew she was such a big fan of The Lion King.
Nadine interview in this month's Attitude. She's working on solo stuff with Brian Higgins again. She also said they recorded about 100 songs for each Girls Aloud album before culling them down to the final album tracklists. Box set deluxe editions now please!! Just also repeated that she didn't want to close the door on Girls Aloud, that she'd never want to stop dressing up and performing those songs and also repeated that she recorded all the vocals first, then the others got worked in around her.
There's that much unreleased GA stuff? Why do they keep it in the vaults? SURELY they must realise it's a complete cash cow...

No grumbling from HER about not liking the songs and preferring some R&B slop and tat instead

Indeed. She was always portrayed as the cunt but time seemingly shows how WRONG THAT WAS
I always got the impression Nadine distanced herself from the others rather than the other way around, and that she's passive aggressive extraordinaire, compared to some of the others who are just aggressive, although I can see there would have been a bit of resentment from her Ronan status.
I always got the impression Nadine distanced herself from the others rather than the other way around, and that she's passive aggressive extraordinaire, compared to some of the others who are just aggressive, although I can see there would have been a bit of resentment from her Ronan status.

I've no idea in reality of course, but I imagine the other four formed a pack against the one they thought was the talent of the band. Safety in numbers. And yes, perhaps Nadine maybe did act like she was Queen Bee because she basically was at the start.
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Nicola and Kimberley were obviously Cheryl's hangers-on. Sarah was probably too off her face to be even bothered!
I can well imagine that she wanted GA to continue, considering for her their legacy didn't really mean much in that it probably didn't affect her day to day life in LA, NY or whichever state she was living in to avoid her boyfriend. Thinking she could come back every couple of years to lay down vocals for a couple of weeks, and do a tour a few months later to get in the £££ would be quite appealing.

I certainly don't think she's a cunt, but I fully imagine she's a nightmare to work with - albeit a fabulous one from a distance.

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