A Nadine Coyle post-GA thread (1 Viewer)

Actually I did once have a LIAISONETTE with someone from Belfast (who I was convinced worked for the IRA because he was very shady as to what his job was and why he was in London) and neither of us could really understand a word of what the other was saying. MARVELLOUS
I wish I had timed my break-up better to have been back in Scotland sooner to have seen this. The Kelly Llorenna throwback pictures are ineffable.



Nadine was the subject of a recent "Living With..." programme on Irish television where she was trailed and quizzed over a weekend during glamorous Hull Pride. Amnesia set in when it came to Girls Aloud breakup questions ("Eht wuhz TAIN YEEHURS AGOI"), although she did issue a statement on THAT flour meme ("PYHAR AGNURRHANCE").

The moment Nicola burst out "THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS" I already lost it when I listened to it on the podcast but her wide eyes and everyone's fits of giggles really add to it.
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