Adverts that are annoying you at the moment?

The supermarket ads where people are served plates of ham and the like and are all "this glass of fizzy piss is only 79p per bottle? Can we come again?" I have to take deep breaths they annoy me that much.
The Natwest one with the little boy whose married parents couldn't afford to move out and have a proper sex life.

Mainly for haughty "well, if private rents weren't so FUCKING RIDICULOUS they could SHAG AROUND THE CLOCK" reasons...
The supermarket ads where people are served plates of ham and the like and are all "this glass of fizzy piss is only 79p per bottle? Can we come again?" I have to take deep breaths they annoy me that much.

Those annoy me because you're asking people to compare a supermarket price against a restarshnt price which is of course always going to cheaper - if you did it with Waitrose they'd still be shocked as fuck.
The jumping the shark of the Go Compare advertising. Try coming up with new ideas to sell your brand.
Along with the ANTHEA FUCKING TURNER health lottery one.

I don't usually DO adverts, as most of what I watch is either on BBC or recorded so we can whizz through them. But thanks to Celeb Big Brother, I'm being subjected to this one. FUCKING DREADFUL. All of it, but particularly 'Feel Good Friday'. Utterly repulsive.

Each time it's on, I have to youtube that clip of her exploding to cleanse myself afterwards.
Canesten's bacterial vaginosis advert. Really? If I had a manky discharging fishy-smelling fanny the last thing I'd be doing is popping to the chemist and asking for a bacterial vaginosis pack. Try washing you dirty bleeders!
That RIBENA advert is beyond AWFUL.
My colleague described this to me in detail last week with matching sound effects....
It's her favourite advert and her boyfriend texts her pictures of it whenever it's on and she's not there. She then made me watch it a bit later whilst hitting my arm and going "YOU LOVE IT, NO!?"

I really really hate it.
Canesten's bacterial vaginosis advert. Really? If I had a manky discharging fishy-smelling fanny the last thing I'd be doing is popping to the chemist and asking for a bacterial vaginosis pack. Try washing you dirty bleeders!
Isn't that how most women contract BV....over washing or using the wrong products?
fungal infections can come from an imbalanced pH value in THE AREA, so more water and soap can just worsen the situation, unless you get a neutral soap or something like Canesten which is actually very effective. YES I've had a MANKY FANNY

In fairness to CANESTAN, it is quite good and you can pretend you are buying it for your ATHLETE'S FOOT
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I've only seen it once but the Ruth Jones Ben Miller Tesco one is dreadful.

Bring back Jane Horrocks and Prunella Scales.
The ASDA Christmas ad is GETTING RIGHT ON MY NORKS ALREADY and it's only been on for about a WEEK

Only SIX TO GO :zombie:
The HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY one with the gruesome paedo in the backseat :grr:
Not an advert, but a trailer.

I like Nigella. A lot. That image of her marching into court is possibly my favourite image of the 21st century. But that trailer for the new series where she stands smugly stirring a mixing bowl full of chocolate makes me want to scream.
That TopCashBack advert with the really smug guy. "This is a leprechaun, this is happening". FUCK OFF.
It's not so much annoying me as bewildering me, but the girl who loses her teddy bear after her careless parents leave it in the shopping trolley, only for it to be returned thanks to the tracking chip they got through a RICHMOND SAUSAGES promotion and then celebrate teddy's return with a plate of sausage and mash has left me a bit cold.
I just want to say

Those dreadful embittered frumps in the Maltesers advert they're playing before every Youtube clip at the moment.

"And he was all like, awooga! awooga!" :manson:

Who writes, directs and reviews these things and thinks "Yes, this is how real people talk."
Those dreadful embittered frumps in the Maltesers advert they're playing before every Youtube clip at the moment.

"And he was all like, awooga! awooga!" :manson:

Who writes, directs and reviews these things and thinks "Yes, this is how real people talk."


I HATE the Head & Shoulders "No no, no no no no, there's no DANDRUFF" ad. It's hateful on every level, the shoulder-brushing dance move brews a small FIRE behind my eyes.

I also strongly dislike the Sky Movies one with the petulent BRAT who won't eat her sprouts so disappears under the table and dumps them in various movies before being let from the table to watch TV.

What the fuck is that STOP FUCKING HATE competition to win one of Thatcher's handbags about? Tories are a weird bunch. Osborne's blatantly got a few entries in so he can root around for her old diaphragm.
I was slightly AGOG to see an advert for Toffifee earlier. Has it ALWAYS existed, or is it making a comeback? And does anyone really like them?
I'm pretty close to sending some sort of incendiary device to Amazon if they don't stop showing that Clarkson ad. It doesn't air until the fucking Autumn. Are they going to subject me to it multiple times a day until October?

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